Here you will find a collection of some unpublished supplements. Unfortunately, most of them are still in the Danish language. Not all of the surveys, appendices, etc. made in connection with books and articles could be published in full in print, because of the concept or limited size of the publications.
Some are made in connection with the big book project, History and Ideology in Apartheid South Africa, or the pre-project in Danish, Race versus klasse - fortællingen om Sydafrika.
Others are made in connection with an
Academic textbook for the Danish publishing house, Djøf Forlag, Sydafrikas ufuldendte demokrati. Some of them originates from work with books and articles on international solidarity.
Be aware that, in some cases, the same and other surveys in the form of lists or tables can be found as extended, updated, online databases under the menu Databases, queries.
(Intro in Danish). Fra denne side fås adgang til appendikser, tillæg, oversigter og tabeller, som ikke er medtaget i de trykte udgaver. Adskillige af disse stammer fra min monografi om Sydafrikas historiografi: Race versus klasse - fortællingen om Sydafrika. Andre relaterer til den engelske udgivelse: History and Ideology in Apartheid South Africa. Nogle kommer fra en bog på dansk skrevet for Djøf Forlag og endelig stammer nogle fra bøger og artikler om international solidaritet. Vær opmærksom på at nogle af disse, plus andre tabeller, findes i udvidet, opdateret form som online eller statiske databaser under menuen, Databases, queries.
Appendiks A: Forfattere i historiedebatten (authors in the history debate)
Appendiks B: Forkortelsesliste ( abbreviasions)
Appendiks C: Ord- og begrebsforklaringer (vocabulary)
Appendiks D: Kronologiske oversigter og periodiseringsmodeller (chronologies)
Appendiks E: Oversigt over apartheidlovgivningen (racial laws)
Appendiks F: Universiteter i apartheidperioden (universities during apartheid)
Appendiks G: Universiteternes historie før 1990 (university history in Danish)
Appendix H: Survey among Historians Concerned with the Liberal – Radical Debate
Resumé på dansk fra History and Ideology in South Africa (in Danish)
Summary in English from History and Ideology in South Africa |