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Stolten's newsdesk ! This page is paused. It will be updated as soon as possible.
The following news, relevant for African Studies, Development Research, or History,
are brought with permission from the news sources mentioned. This first page mostly contains
announcements of academic conferences
, but also information on certain grassroots activities.
These newsdesk pages are not updated regularly and some of the contents could be rather old.
However, even outdated events could show the way to interesting papers and contacts.
You can find the same and more information on conferences in my online database ConfList with
functionality for seeking and sorting.

i Northeast Workshop on Southern Africa, October 8-11, 2020, in Burlington, Vermont. Bishop Booth Conference Center. We encourage scholars from all disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa to submit proposals. The deadline for paper and/or panel proposals or to volunteer as a discussant is March 1, 2020. Please send proposals in MSWord or RTF format to newsa2019@gmail.com. Completed papers, not to exceed 8,000 words, will be due September 7, 2020. https://networks.h-net.org.

i Thirteenth Annual ASMEA Conference. Understanding the Regions: Politics, Identity, and History of the Middle East and Africa. Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel, November 19-21, 2020 deadline for proposals is April 30, 2020.

i The African Studies Association of the UK annual conference in Cardiff, UK. 2020, 8-10 September. http://www.asauk.net/asauk-2020, asauk2020@cardiff.ac.uk.

i Collecting Africa: Before, During and After Colonial Overrule. St Luke's Chapel Radcliffe Old Quarter, Oxford OX2 6HT, 27 April 2020. http://www.collectingafrica.co.uk. collectingafrica@gmail.com.

i International Interdisciplinary Conference on Repatriation in Africa, the African Diaspora and other Global Contexts: Histories, Practices, Understandings and Constructions. History Department, The University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, 30/07/2020, abstract date 15/04/2020. de-valera.botchway@ucc.edu.gh.

i Workshop Lusophone Africa and the Global Cold War: New Regional and International Perspectives. Workshop will take place at University of Strathclyde (Glasgow), 07/09/2021.

i 62nd Annual Meeting of the ASA. Being, Belonging and becoming in Africa, November 21 – 23, 2019 Boston Marriott Copley Place. The ASA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of Africanist scholars in the world. With an attendance of about 2,000 scholars and professionals.

i Interdisciplinary Workshop “Celebrity and Protest in Africa and in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle,” Centre of African Studies Copenhagen 29-31 October, 2018.
Contact: celebrityprotest@gmail.com.

i The Nordic Africa Days 2018 will take place in Uppsala, Sweden, 19-21 September 2018, and the theme is African Mobilities – Reshaping narratives and practices of circulation and exchange. http://nai.uu.se/nad-2018/

i Power, Silence and the production of History in Africa, Workshop, May 24, 2018, Leiden University, Institute for History. Abstracts 1 March 2018.m.j.de.goede@hum.leidenuniv.nl. https://www.

i African Studies Association of the UK, The ASAUK 2018 conference (11-13 September 2018, University of Birmingham, UK) celebrates the diversity and interdisciplinarity of the study of Africa. Submissions 30 March 2018. http://www.



i From Global Aktion, Denmark (formerly known as Africa Contact), http://www.afrika.dk/:
Plans for new activities by the former Danish anti-apartheid movement include continued campaigning for democratic mobilisation in Swaziland and Western Sahara, and and against "free trade" injustices. News are available from morten@afrika.dk. New solidarity projects are underway in cooperation with local NGOs in Africa.

i   Additional conference announcements etc.

i   Announcements of grants, funding, etc.

i   Publishing possibilities etc.

i  Link to my WordPress blog.

i   Some newsletters to my network.

i Centre of African studies invites to the Africa Seminar titled: "Writing World Christianity: Bengt Sundkler, Titus Mthembu and the Politics of Knowledge Production in Apartheid-era South Africa". We welcome associate professor Joel Cabrita (Stanford University) who will revisit the history of the writing and circulation of the book Bantu Prophets (1948). The talk probes the production of religious knowledge in twentieth-century Africa the fraught power dynamics between professional scholars and their ‘assistants’, and the reliance of the new scholarly field of ‘World Christianity’ on a realm of hitherto obscured indigenous intellectual labour. 27 February 2020, 15:15-17:00, Room 8B-1-14, Building 8B, South Campus, University of Copenhagen.

i Asia and Africa in Transition. Asian Dynamics Initiative, NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian StudiesUniversity of Copenhagen. 21-23 October 2020, Deadline for submitting proposals: 15 April 2020. https://asiandynamics.ku.dk/asia-and-africa-in-transition/.

i Rethinking African Politics. Conference and AGM of African Political Science Association. Pretoria/Tshwane, Gauteng province, South Africa. 25/04/2020. 2020aaps@gmail.com.

i South African Association of Political Studies (SAAPS) 15th Biennial Conference 2020. Rhodes University, Makhanda Dates: 27-29 August 2020. https://saaps.org.za/conference/2020-annual-conference. saaps2020@ru.ac.za.

i Violence and Intimacy in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa: Global and Local Histories of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Authors' workshop. 15/07/2020 University of Basel, 15-16 June 2020, Switzerland. kai.herzog@unibas.ch.

i The NARN General Meeting will take place at the Nordic Africa Institute on 21 September, 2018 at 12.15 (room to be announced). Latest day for member submissions of motions /proposals to the GM is 15 August, 2018 (att: carinnorberg@hotmail.com). NARN will also organise two events during NAD 2018: - One panel with presentation of the Nordic Africa Research Database, an introduction to the NOS-HS/HP facilities by Kim von Hackwitz of the Swedish Research Council, presentation of European research cooperation (AEGIS) plus one or two examples of Nordic Africa Research Cooperation - One presentation of the Nordic Journal of African Studies with its new Chief Editor Annika Teppo, Uppsala University.

i Africa in Global Intellectual History. Friedrich-Meinecke-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin. 24/11/2018. Deadline: 31/08/2018.

i 19th Annual Africa Conference at the University of Texas at Austin (March 29 – 31, 2019). Convened by: Prof. Toyin Falola,
Department of History, UT Austin. Theme: Identities. Proposals will be accepted by email: toyinfalola@austin.utexas.edu to Mid-December, 2018.



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