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Stolten's newsdesk, older conference announcements etc.
The following conferences, meetings and events, relevant for African Studies,
Development Research, or History, are brought with permission from the sources mentioned.
These pages are not updated regularly and
most stuff will be more or less outdated.
However, many of the events will have produced interesting papers, networks, etc.

iFor more recent annoncements, try my conference database, ConfList, from the menu: Databases, queries.

i International conference: Africa, New Powers, Old Powers. Organized by: Department of Political and Social Studies, University of Bologna, and EADI Working Group on ‘Transitions in Southern Africa’. 4-5 May 2017. Abstracts and CV should be submitted to Henning Melber (henning.melber@nai.uu.se) and Arrigo Pallotti (arrigo.pallotti@unibo.it).

i 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS: Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban. The Centre for African Studies Basel and the Swiss Society for African Studies on behalf of AEGIS (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies).
http://ecas2017.ch / ecas2017@unibas.ch.

i 2017 North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa. call for papers and discussants for the fourteenth North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa (NEWSA). Scholars from all disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) can submit proposals. The meeting will be held at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, Vermont, USA, October 5-8, 2017. Deadline for paper/panel proposals is February 1, 2017.

i International Conference: Education for Life in Africa, May 19-20, 2017, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NVAS, HHS, NUFFIC. http://afrikastudies.nl/cfp-education-for-life-in-africa-may-19-20-2017/#more-2837.

i Document to Digital: How does Digitisation Aid African Research? Monday 11 September 2017 The National Library of Scotland. Abstracts of up to 500 words may be sent to Sarah Rhodes at sarah.rhodes@bodleian.ox.ac.uk by 24 April 2017. http://scolma.org

i The 60th Annual Meeting ASA Institutions: Creativity and Resilience in Africa. November 16 - 18, 2017 Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile.

i International Conference on The Humanities and Development in Africa. The Department of History, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria organizes a two-day international conference, 6-9 July 2017, to provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policy makers, activists, students and professionals in humanistic studies to reevaluate the approaches and initiatives to Africa’s development, with special emphases on the humanistic perspectives. olisamuo@gmail.com.

i The Nordic Africa Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an event to launch the book Culture and the Contemporary African. A Festschrift in honour of Mai Palmberg. The event will take place on the 26th of November, 15:15-17 hrs, followed by a reception 17-18 hrs. The venue is the Nordic Africa Institute, Villavägen 6, Uppsala. Please let us know if you are able to attend. susanne.linderos@nai.uu.se or tel.018 471 52 83.

i1994-2014: 20 Years of South African Democracy. Conference at St Antony’s College and the African Studies Centre (ASC) at the University of Oxford to be held on 25th/26th April 2014. The purpose of the Conference is to analyse the transition in the 1990s, the subsequent consolidation of democracy and the nature of political authority in South Africa. We envisage six linked streams: the transition; the constitutional settlement and its legacy; new institutions and their recent history; democratic consolidation, the ANC and dominant-party rule; political opposition and popular protest; beneficiaries and those marginalised in post-apartheid South Africa. Any conference queries should be made to Jason Robinson, Conference Organiser: e-mail to jason.robinson@sant.ox.ac.uk; by phone at +44 (0)75 2619 0419; or by post at St. Antony’s College, 62 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6JF. http://southafrica1994-2014.com/.

i Call for Papers for the 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 28 to 30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya. amutabi@gmail.com. https://kenyasocialscienceforum.wordpress.com

i Second Seminar on Transnational Connections in Southern Africa under the umbrella-theme Decolonizing and Post-Colonial Experiences, to be held at the University of Évora, Portugal, from October 12th to 14th, 2016. The seminar will be hosted by FCT Research Center in Political Science. The focus will be the connections between people, liberation movements and other organizations in the era of liberation struggles and post-colonial transitions in Southern Africa.

i Call for Papers - The Nordic Africa Days. Paper proposals should be submitted to nad2016@nai.uu.se no later than 3 May 2016. Authors will be notified on acceptance by early June. For questions please contact nad2016@nai.uu.se Tel. 0046 (0)18 471 52 45. NAD 2016 conference web page:

i 59th Annual Meeting of the ASA Imagining Africa at the Center: Bridging Scholarship, Policy, and Representation in African Studies December 1 - 3, 2016 Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC.

i 111th ASA Annual Meeting Rethinking Social Movements: Can Changing the Conversation Change the World? 111th ASA Annual Meeting, August 20-23, 2016 in Seattle, Washington State Convention Center.

i African Arts and Literatures 8 Wednesday evenings in Leiden, for instance edenesday June 8 Archives and Curating with Christine Eyene and Renée Mussai: Archival Matters - Curatorial Practice and the Postcolonial Archive. A collaboration between Studium Generale, Leiden University, the Research Center for Material Culture, the Tropenmuseum, Afrika Museum and Museum Volkenkunde, the African Studies Centre and the University of Amsterdam.

i Columbia University is gearing up for the African Economic Forum on April 2nd, 2016. This year’s conference, A Continent Connecting: Solutions from Within, will build upon last year’s theme of Build Africa, Beyond Potential, providing an opportunity for fresh views and further discussion about African innovations to African problems. Website at AEF2016.com.

i 2016 Northeastern Workshop on Southern Africa. All disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa. The meeting will be held at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, Vermont (USA), April 15-17, 2016. Deadline for paper and/or panel proposals is August 30, 2015. Email: newsa2016@gmail.com.

i ‘Rethinking “Apartheid’s Golden Age”: South Africa, c1966-1979’, Colloquium to be held at the University of Pretoria, 20 June 2016. Abstract Deadline: 1 December 2015. history@up.ac.za.

iRhythms of Life: Youth and Popular Culture in a Changing South Africa 13-14 November 2015. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
http://southafricanyouthtoday.com/events, bmoolman@hsrc.ac.za.

i The Africa Conference 2016: Creativity, Culture and Identity in Africa and the African Diaspora. University of Texas, Austin March 24-27, 2016. The deadline for submitting paper proposals is November 30, 2015. Proposals should include a 250-word abstract. Please submit all abstracts to africaconference2016@gmail.com.

i Southern African Pasts before the Colonial Era, their Archives and Ongoing Present/Presence 16, 17, 18, July, 2015 Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative University of Cape Town.
Organiser: June Bam, apc-admin@uct.ac.za,

i Life in the Windhoek Old Location Remembering December 10, 1959. Presenter Henning Melber, Discussant Marianne Millstein. This presentation offers a short social history of the Old Location. It is based on archival studies in Windhoek, Basel and Wuppertal. It summarizes what the people were seeking to defend when resisting the removal to Katutura. It thereby offers insights in the meaning of the community in existence at the Old Location from a perspective of nation building. Wednesday 10 December 13.15 –15.00 hrs. The Nordic Africa Institute, Villavägen 6, Uppsala.

i Monday 8 December, 19.30-22.00 ASC Annual Public Event ‘Shades’ by Phillippa Yaa de Villiers, South Africa. Shades, a lecture-cum-poetry recital-cum-performance that explores race, identity and politics in present-day South Africa. Read Phillippa’s poem Shades on our website. Treat yourself to a South African meal (bobotie) Venue: Auditorium F0.015/17, Hogeschool Leiden, Zernikedreef 11, Leiden.

i Southern Africa beyond the West: Political, Economic & Cultural Relationships with the BRICS & the Global South Journal of Southern African Studies 1st Biennial Conference: 7-10 August 2015, Livingstone, Zambia The primary aim of the conference will be to consider Southern Africa’s place in a future world in which the influence of Western powers is in relative decline. To this end it will focus on social, political and cultural aspects of the region’s relationships with other regions, including the lusophone world, China, India, Russia and their spheres of influence, as well as examples of South-South linkages, recognising at the outset that what are presented as new linkages have a long history. Co-sponsors: JSAS (Journal of Southern African Studies) and the Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR, Lusaka, Zambia) Venue: Livingstone, Zambia Deadline for paper proposals: 1st August 2014 Final paper deadline: 1st May 2015 Queries to Lyn Schumaker:

i AEGIS thematic conference: "South Africa Twenty Years after the End of Apartheid".
The Center of Historical and Political Studies on Africa and the Middle East based at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna and the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig jointly organize the AEGIS thematic conference: South Africa Twenty Years after the End of Apartheid in Forlì (Italy) on 8-9 May 2014.
The first democratic elections in the history of South Africa were held in April 1994. The elections marked the end of the apartheid regime and the beginning of the democratic transition in the country. Twenty years after, while the formal consolidation of the democratic institutions has been almost accomplished, serious economic and social challenges still remain to be addressed. The uneven pattern of economic growth, the rise of poverty rates and inequality, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and the land issue are fuelling political and social cleavages at the national and local level. These processes of internal transformation are all the more relevant when considering the political and economic role which post-apartheid South Africa has been playing at the regional, African and international level. The conference aims at debating the limits and contradictions of the post-apartheid democratization and development processes in South Africa within a regional and international perspective.
Papers are invited that address the following issues: - historical perspectives on the end of the apartheid regime at domestic, regional and international level, - consolidation of the democratic political system and the role of civil society and social movements - economic policy and poverty reduction - land reform - HIV/AIDS - gender inequality - foreign policy at the regional (SACU, SADC), African (African Union) and international level(UN, BRICS, WTO). Abstracts (250 words maximum) should be sent to Arrigo Pallotti (arrigo.pallotti@unibo.it) and Ulf Engel (uengel@uni-leipzig.de). The deadline for scholars based at AEGIS member institutions is 15 November 2013. There will be a second call for paper open to all other researchers in December 2013. Final papers should be submitted by 31 March 2014.

i International workshop 'New actors in development cooperation: Contested hegemonies and heterogeneous agendas' The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). With Elizabeth Sidiropolous, Chief director of South Africa’s Institute of International Affairs. 16-17 September 2015. Abstract (max 250 words) to smr@diis.dk before 15 June 2015.

i Fourth International Conference on Strategic Theory. The African Standby Force: Beyond 2015. Stellenbosch University 16-18 September 2015. Professor Thomas Mandrup Royal Danish Defence College Copenhagen, Denmark ifs-14@fak.dk  or Professor Francois Vreÿ Faculty of Military Science Stellenbosch University, South Africa francois@ma2.sun.ac.za.

i Call for papers and discussants for the twelfth North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa (NEWSA). We encourage scholars from all disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to submit proposals. The meeting will be held at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, Vermont (USA), April 15-17, 2016. The deadline for paper and/or panel proposals, or to volunteer as a discussant, is August 30, 2015, proposals to newsa2016@gmail.com. Completed papers, not to exceed 8000 words, will be due March 21, 2016.

i Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa Call for Papers for Eighth Annual ASMEA Conference October 29 - October 31, 2015 in Washington, D.C. deadline to submit a paper proposal is March 30.
/3/pages/overview, info@asmeascholars.org.

i 6th European Conference on African Studies, Paris, July 2015 The 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) will take place in Paris 8-10 July 2015. Proposals for papers can be submitted until 9 January 2015. http://www.ecas2015.fr/.

i The African Studies Association (ASA) announces the opening of the 2015 Call for Proposals for the 58th Annual Meeting, "The State and Study of Africa", San Diego, California, 19-22/11/2015. Presentations may focus on the theme of “The State and Study of Africa” or on broader social science, humanities, and applied themes relating to Africa. panel organizers must still submit an organized panel proposal by March 15, 2015.

i  2nd International Conference Africa and the Indian Ocean. ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, 9-10 April 2015. The AEGIS Collaborative Research Group on Africa in the Indian Ocean welcomes applications to participate in the forthcoming Thematic Conference. Please, send an email with your name, proposed title and short abstract to aioconference2015@gmail.com. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 January 2015. Organizers: Ian Walker, Oxford University, Manuel João Ramos, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Preben Kaarsholm, Roskilde University.

i Reconciliation and Justice 5th Intercultural Interdisciplinary Colloquium polylog: Forum for Intercultural Philosophy In cooperation with the Institute for Science and Art (IWK – Vienna), the Viennese Society for Intercultural Philosophy (WiGiP), the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, and the Forum Scientiarum at the University of Tübingen Vienna (Austria), 20–22 May 2015 Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2015. http://ev.polylog.org/colloquium-en.htm.

i Northwestern Program of African Studies, Graduate Student Conference Illinois Papers deadline January 15, 2015. Africa Misperceived: Beyond Africa as a Laboratory. Northwestern Program of African Studies Conference Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, April 10-11, 2015.
Contact: m-bocchese2010@nlaw.northwestern.edu

i The Performance of Pan-Africanism: from Colonial Exhibitions to Black and African Cultural Festivals. Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Florida State University. International Conference 20-22 October, 2016. Deadline for proposals: 1 February 2016. Contact mmunro@fsu.edu. http://winthropking.fsu.edu/Events/The-Performance-of-Pan-Africanism-from-Colonial-Exhibitions-to-Black-and-African-Cultural-Festivals

i Emory University and Kennesaw State University cordially invite to seminars, roundtables, and panels at the 42nd Annual Conference of the African Literature Association Justice and Human Dignity in Africa and the African Diaspora Venues: Marriott Marquis and National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, Georgia. USA. April 6-9, 2016 Conference website: http://ala2016.com.

i ASAI Conference Macerata September 17 -20, 2014 The Italian Association for African Studies (ASAI) in partnership with the Interdisciplinary Centre for African Studies of the University of Macerata is organising its Third Conference. For futher info visit
www.asaiafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ASAI_2014_EN.pdf. Email: conferenza2014@asaiafrica.org.

i ASAUK Conference 2014 The African Studies Association invites the submission of panels for the 2014 ASAUK Conference. ASAUK's biennial conference will be held at the University of Sussex and will run from Sept 9th to 11th September 2014 in Brighton, UK. The call for papers will close in April 2014. Contact David Kerr: d.kerr@bham.ac.uk http://www.asauk.net/ conferences/asauk14.shtml.

i African Studies Centre Community in cooperation with the NIMD (Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy). The upcoming elections in South Africa. 22 April from 14:45 to 17:00 at the Humanity House, Prinsegracht 8, The Hague. . More information: www.ascleiden.nl/?q=news/asc-community-country-meeting-elections-south-africa. email: asccommunity@ascleiden.nl.

i Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Representations of the International Criminal Court in Africa” On 22 and 23 May 2014 NVAS organizes, in close partnership with Hague University of Applied Sciences and the School for Human Rights Research Utrecht, the multi-disciplinary conference “Africans and Hague Justice” to be held in the Hague. With this conference, the organizers aim to highlight African perspectives on the International Criminal Court and the jurisdiction with which it operates. The conference theme closely connects to the current African cases at the International Criminal Court and the vocal and mixed reactions from the African continent towards them. We are proud to host internationally renowned scholars, such as Kamari Clarke (Anthropology), Charles Jalloh (International and Criminal Law) en Makau Mutua (Human Rights) featuring as key-note speakers at the conference. Shortly, a call for papers will be published on the NVAS website (www.afrikastudies.nl), to which we warmly welcome you to respond. For questions, mail to Froukje Krijtenburg: f.krijtenburg@vu.nl.

i Africa Works! Creating New Partnerships Conference in Leiden, 16 & 17 October 2014 The Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC, The Hague) and the African Studies Centre (Leiden) are pleased to invite you to their second international Africa Works! conference in Leiden on 16 & 17 October 2014. If you would like to attend the conference, please register at: www.africaworks.nl.

i Southern Africa beyond the West: Political, Economic & Cultural Relationships with the BRICS & the Global South Journal of Southern African Studies 1st Biennial Conference: 7-10 August 2015, Livingstone, Zambia Deadline for paper proposals: 1st August 2014 Final paper deadline: 1st May 2015. Queries to Lyn Schumaker:

i Pieces of history. Foundations and ruptures, periods and events in the historiography of African literature. Call for papers for a conference organised by the Apela (Association pour l’étude des littératures africaines) Université Paris-Est Créteil, September 18 and 19, 2014. This conference is open to members of the APELA, Association pour l’étude des littératures africaines: http://www.apela.fr/apela/devenir-membre/ Abstracts of 250 words, in French or in English, with the main orientation chosen, and a short biography, should be sent as attachment no later than April, 30, 2014 to the four organisers. Nathalie Carré, nathalie.carre@gmail.com.

i After seven editions held in several Iberian cities, it is now time for the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra to organize the next edition. The 9th Iberian Congress of African Studies - Africa Today - places and spaces of transformation, will take place between the 11th and the 13th of September 2014, in Coimbra. The African Studies congress of the Iberian World, with a biennial periodicity, is presently an unavoidable place for the meeting of researchers working with the relations between the African continent and the Iberian Peninsula. This congress strives to reflect upon the changes that occurred in Iberian idiomatic African contexts in the last 40 years, that mark the emergence of five new independent nations and stages of the colonial process in Africa.http://www.ces.uc.pt/eventos/ciea9/ index.php?id=9091&id_lingua=2&pag=9092.

i ASC seminar Donderdag 1 mei, 2014 15.30-17.00 Aan de goede kant - De lessen van de Nederlandse anti-apartheidsbeweging door Roeland Muskens discussant: Ineke van Kessel De Nederlandse anti-apartheidsbeweging is vanaf 1960 tot de vrijlating van Mandela in 1990 uitgegroeid tot een van de sterkste sociale bewegingen van Nederland. In de loop der jaren hebben miljoenen Nederlanders zich op een of andere manier ingezet tegen de apartheid. De kracht van de anti-apartheidsbeweging is dat ze erin is geslaagd de discussie over wat Nederland tegen de apartheid kon doen, te verpakken tot dagelijkse kwesties. Het seminar wordt in het Nederlands gehouden. Graag aanmelden via onze website. Plaats: Zaal 5A29 (5e etage), Pieter de la Courtgebouw, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden.

i Writing the 'Rainbow Nation'? Examining 20 Years of Post-Apartheid Literature. International Conference 4. & 5. April 2014 University of Regensburg, Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, http://www.uni-regensburg.de/sprache-literatur-kultur/anglistik/staff/petzold/ rainbow-nation/.

i Launch of the World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments. Sida and The Nordic Africa Institute. Stockholm 31 January 2014. Contact: Agneta Rodling,
NAI, agneta.rodling@nai.uu.se.

i 3rd African Preparation Course (APC): Politics, Culture, Security Dynamics and Military Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa (18–31 August 2014). Royal Danish Defence College, www.fak.dk. Applications for participation no later than 26 February 2014 12.00 pm. Applications should be addressed to Course Secretary Ms. Dorthe M. Hansen (asc-12@fak.dk). The course fee DKK 30,000 for both weeks includes air fares and local transport in Africa, hotel accommodation during the second part of the course. Questions regarding the course, content, program, etc. can be addressed to Course Director, Dr. Thomas Mandrup (e-mail: ifs-81@fak.dk, telephone: +45 39 15 12 14).

i The 2nd biannual CRG African History Conference 5 and 6 July 2014 Department of History, African History Section, Durham University, UK Call for roundtable proposals Proposals should include a 400 word presentation of the topic, and the names of three to five confirmed participants. Please send your proposal before Christmas 2013 to: crgafricanhistory@gmail.com.

i VAD-Kongress: "Zukunft Afrika" 11.-14. Juni 2014 in Bayreuth Die heutigen Bilder von Afrika sind ambivalent: Nach wie vor existiert die Vorstellung vom „ursprünglichen“, zeit- und geschichtslosen und daher auch zukunftslosen Kontinent; was geschichtslos ist, kann auch keine Zukunft haben. Auf der anderen Seite ist das Bild von Afrika als Kontinent der Kriege, Krisen und Katastrophen weit verbreitet, dessen Weg nur in eine apokalyptische Zukunft führen kann. Zu diesen düsteren Zukunftsaussichten gesellt sich in jüngster Zeit ein anderes Bild: das vom „jungen“ Kontinent oder gar dem „jungen Zukunftskontinent“. Der VAD-Kongress 2014 in Bayreuth setzt sich multidisziplinär sowohl mit der Ambivalenz dieser Bilder, ihrer Verbreitung und Reichweite, als auch mit ihrer Wirkung auf soziale Entwicklungen auseinander. Call for Papers: 17. November 2013. www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014.

i Freedom - Our Responsibility: International Conference to kick-start a New Culture of Sustainability, Empowerment & Integrity. Bloemfontein, 26 – 30 September 2014. Send abstracts to headoffice@zafor.org. More on www.zafor.org. http://zafor.org/registration.

i AEGIS Thematic Conference: "Africa in the Global South. Biographies of mobility and aspirations of success" Frankfurt, 15 - 17 May 2014. The AEGIS thematic conference is organized jointly by the Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies at the Goethe University of Frankfurt and the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Africa at the University of Naples “L´Orientale”. Thematic Outline South-south connections between Africa and other regions of what has come to be known as the Global South have existed for centuries, but, since the end of the Cold War, new patterns of interaction have emerged. As many recent studies evidenced, in fact, countries such as China, India and Brazil play today a highly influential role in defining emerging political, economic and cultural scenarios throughout the African continent. However, beyond the macro-narratives about new forms of south-south political and economic engagement that this geopolitical landscape has generated, a much less investigated universe of interactions, transactions and movements of people, objects, stories and ideas successfully proliferates. See http://afrika.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/ i_afrikawissenschaften/konferenzen/conference_ frankfurt_20130515.pdf

i 13th International African Studies Conference: Society and Politics in Africa: Traditional, Transitional, and New. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for African Studies 30/1, Spiridonovka str., Moscow, 123001 Tel. (495) 690-27-52, Fax: (495) 697-19-54 E-mail: dir@inafr.ru / http://www.inafran.ru/en/ Moscow, May 27-29, 2014. See http://afrika.univie.ac.at/ fileadmin/user_upload/i_afrikawissenschaften/ konferenzen/conference_moscow_2014.pdf.
For example session VII-5. Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa: Old Sources Revisited, New Sources Analyzed Conveners: Prof. Vladimir G. Shubin (Institute for African Studies, Moscow, Russia); e-mail: vlgs@yandex.ru.

i Doing Race and Ethnicity in 21st Century Africa Panel Proposal for the 2014 Conference on “Race, Ethnicity & Place” Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, Oct 22-24, 2014. Interested scholars should send their 250-word abstracts/descriptions of their papers and contact details to Bukola Oyeniyi at:
BukolaOyeniyi@MissouriState.edu before April 30, 2014.

i International conference in Copenhagen - Global Challenges: Achievin Sustainability The conference brings togehter a range of disciplines ot address sustainability science. The conference will be held on 22-24 October. The call for abstracts has just opened with a deadline on March 31st. During the conference, there will be 15 theme sessions on various topics.

i Language and Colonialism – Call for Proposals The NYU-CNRS Center for International Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences invites proposals for a workshop on “Language and Colonialism” to be held April 4 and 5, 2014 at New York University. Please send an abstract (up to 250 words) and a résumé to Ruth Ben-Ghiat (rb68@nyu.edu) and Alice Goheneix Polanski (agp318@nyu.edu) by December 20, 2013. http://cirhus.as.nyu.edu/object/

i Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, University of Copenhagen has planned a range of meetings for the autumn 2013 (http://amis.ku.dk/), including: AMIS seminar: Justice, Democracy and Nation-building. Date: 10 October 2013 Time: 1.15pm – 3pm Place: Faculty of Humanities, 2300 Copenhagen S / Workshop: Theorizing Multiculturalism Please register with amis@hum.ku.dk before 11 November. Date: 16 November 2013 Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 136, 2300 Copenhagen S 27.0.17 / AMIS conference: New Frontiers - Migration in the 21st Century Date: 16 December 2013 Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 136, 2300 Copenhagen S, Auditorium 27.0.17.

i The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation is hosting its annual conference under the theme ‘Lost in Transformation? Reviewing 20 Years of Transformation in South Africa’, from 9-10 October 2013 in Johannesburg. It will focus on exactly the content of transformation is in South Africa, and how this has been taken on by various state and non-state actors. The Kathrada Foundation invites academics, postgraduate students, activists, public sector researchers and representatives, media representatives, business and legal fraternity representatives, to contribute to this conference. Send abstracts to research@kathradafoundation.org. For further information: Dr Caryn Abrahams, caryn@kathradafoundation.org.

Older entries, conferences which have produced interesting papers:

i Invitation to the screening of the documentary film From Namibia with Love. A political love story By Laura Meriläinen-Amaumo Date: Tuesday 3 September 2013 Time: 18.30 - 20.30 Venue: Fredens Hus, Uppsala slott, entrance H Organisers: Fredens Hus and the Nordic Africa Institute From Namibia with Love is a documentary film about love, struggle and devotion for Namibia. Introduction: Laura Meriläinen-Amaumo. Discussant: Henning Melber, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, who joined SWAPO in 1974.

i South African History Online
Call for Papers. The Durban Moment: Revisiting politics, labour, youth and resistance in the 1970s 21 - 23 February, 2013. Rhodes University Grahamstown, South Africa The 'Durban Moment' popularly refers to the period in the early 1970s when Durban became the location of processes and events that were to impact significantly on the nature of the liberation struggle in South Africa. Visit this site for more information: www.sahistory.org.za For more information about the conference, please email: Omar Badsha - omar@sahistory.org.za or Vashna Jagarnath - vashanj@gmail.com.

i The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala: Evenemang Onsdag 5 december: Sydafrika - dröm eller verklighet? 18 år har gått sedan det nya demokratiska Sydafrika utropades. I december 2012 har det regerande partiet ANC sin partikongress inför de allmänna valen nästa år. Hur ser framtiden ut? Marika Griehsel och Bengt Säve-Söderbergh diskuterar. NAIs direktör Carin Norberg är samtalsledare. Kl 18 på ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41, Stockholm. Entré 60 kr. Läs mer om evenemanget på ABF här.

i The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala:
12 October: 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', keynote speakers- Acclaimed Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Finland's ex-president Martti Ahtisaari.

The Nordic Africa Institute: 18-19 October: Nordic Africa Days 2012 The Nordic Africa Days (NAD), the biennial conference of the Nordic Africa Institute, will be hosted at University of Iceland in Reykjavík. https://conference.hi.is/nad2012/keynote-speakers/

NAI / Norad conference in Oslo, Norway, date unknown: Support to higher education and research – how can it contribute to development? Nordic perspectives A seminar to celebrate the 50th anniversaries of Norad and the Nordic Africa Institute.

i From H-NET Distribution List for News and Announcements [H-ANNOUNCE@H-NET.MSU.EDU]:
DOING HISTORY. The Historical Association of South Africa, Biennial Conference,University of Pretoria 6 - 7 July 2012 Description: We are glad to announce that this years biennial conference of the Historical Association of South Africa will be showcasing a wide range of research related to the broadly framed theme focusing on the different facets of Doing History. The proposals received thus far have been clustered into the fo ... Contact: hasa@up.ac.za



Older entries, conferences which have produced interesting papers:

i Eleventh Annual ASMEA Conference. The Middle East and Africa: Tradition, Evolution, and Revolution. November 01 - November 03, 2018 Washington, D.C. Key Bridge Marriott Hotel. Deadline: 30/04/2018. https://asmea.

i Scholar-Activism in the 21st Century, British Library, London, 22-23 June 2018. See www.scholaractivism.com/. If you would like to attend the conference, please register at the following: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scholar-activism-in-the-21st-century-conference-tickets-43924016917.

i Africa in the World: Shifting Boundaries and Knowledge Production. 25/05/2018 Johannesburg. African Studies Association. http://africanstudiesassociation.org/africa-in-theworld

i Southern African Historical Society Biennial Conference, 21-23 June 2017, Wits University, Johannesburg. Prinisha Badassy: prinisha.badassy@wits.ac.za. http://www.sahs.org.za.

i 17th Annual Africa Conference at University of Texas. Austin. March 31-April 2, 2017. africaconference2017@gmail.com.
http://liberalarts.utexas.edu/africa- conference/.

i The Department of History, Political Science, Geography, & Africana Studies at Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee, invites academics, independent scholars, policymakers, and graduate students to present scholarly papers at its fifth annual conference on the theme: Transformations in Africana Studies: Epistemology, Theory Building, and Methodology. April 6, 2017 to April 7, 2017.
aoyebade@tnstate.edu. http://www.tnstate.edu/usafricaconference

i International Conference of the International Society of History Didactics (ISHD) in conjunction with the South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT) Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng Province, South Africa, 13.-15. September 2017. http://ishd.co/conference_form/.

i The Nordic Africa Research Network, NARN, will hold its first General Meeting will on 22 September, at 15.15, 2016, in the NAI building (room of Gender Studies), Uppsala, Sweden. NAI will organise a get-together in the evening. On 23 September, NARN will organise a workshop on "How to communicate research on Africa" at 16.00 - 18.00. See NARN website. The workshop will take place in Blåsenhus sal 12:128.

i Autochthony, allochthony and belonging: Migration, xenophobia and social cohesion in the Southern African region. 21-25 August 2016, Beijing China. www.igc2016.org/dct/page/70047.

i Africa Reframed.
Creative Events by Africa ReframedExciting events from the creative environment of Africa will be held throughout June 2016.

i 3 June 2016, 15.00-17.00 Venue: Roskilde University: Project Launch: 'Getting out of the Learning Trap: African-owned firms building capabilities in global value chains' (AFRICAP).

i Student Revolts in South Africa Public Lecture by South African Professor Barney Pityana. Uppsala Association of International Affairs (UF). Venue: Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Uppsala Time: Thursday 7 April, 6:15 pm.

i From the South African Ambassador to Denmark: Dear Friends of South Africa, We have the honour to invite you to a presentation by Ms Nomaindiya Mfeketo, the South African Deputy Minister for International Relations and Cooperation, to activists in the struggle against Apartheid, the African and BRICS Diplomatic Corps and Friends of South Africa. The Deputy Minister would like to once again thank those who were involved in the struggle against Apartheid and also use the opportunity to update the meeting on the latest developments in South Africa as well as in its foreign policy. Thursday, 15 October 2015 Afrika Kontakt, Norrebrogade 52C 2tv 2200 16h00 to 18h00 Ambassador Zindziswa N Mandela. RSVP necessary.

i Invitation to Launch of African Economic Outlook 2015 - Growth, job creation, youth and migration This seminar will provide an opportunity to discuss some of the findings and predictions from this year’s African Economic Outlook report, prepared by the African Development Bank, OECD and UNDP, with the researchers behind the report. Wednesday 7 October 2015 13:00 - 16:00. Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 København K.

i Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Land, agriculture and society in East Africa Seminar and launch of a Festschrift for Kjell Havnevik. Tuesday 15 September 2015 14.15 –16. 30. Reception: 16.30 -17.30. The Nordic Africa Institute, Villavägen 6, Uppsala.

i Measures of Control: Managing Migration in the 21. Century Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS) and IMISCOE jointly organize a conference on controlling migration, University of Copenhagen, 18-19. February 2016. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted to amis@hum.ku.dk. The deadline for submissions is 15. October 2015.

i Africa seminar at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Købmagergade 46, 4th, 26 February 2015, 15:15-17:00 Place: Aud. 12, 4th floor: The Idea of Apartheid. By Professor Saul Dubow, Queen Mary, University of London The history of apartheid has attracted enormous attention, scholarly and otherwise, not least in respect of its ideological underpinnings. In this seminar I propose to look at the idea of apartheid and its ramifications, intellectual and political. Discussant for this seminar is Dr. Hans Erik Stolten. The seminar will be facilitated by Amanda Hammar, Director/MSO Professor at the Centre of African Studies. Announcement: http://teol.ku.dk/cas/Calendar/260215/.

i Panel discussion Wednesday 25 February 16.00 - 17.30, University of Copenhagen, the Ceremonial Hall: Reflections on South Africa - 25 years after Mandela's Release. Jesper Strudsholm, former Africa-correspondent for the Danish newspaper Politiken, Amanda Hammar, Director/MSO Professor at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, Saul Dubow, Professor of African History at Queen Mary, University of London, Lykke Friis Prorector at the University of Copenhagen and chairman of the Danish Foreign Policy Society. Registration is necessary.

i Workshop: The Perception of Apartheid in Western Europe, 1960-1990. May 7-9, 2015, University of Copenhagen. Organiser Prof. Dr. Detlef Siegfried, detlef@hum.ku.dk.

i Newspaper articles on NAI: Af Morten Bøås, professor och forskningschef vid det samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsinstitutet FAFO /AIS i Oslo. I Uppsala Nya Tidning, UNT, 8/9 2013: Nordiska Afrikainstitutets framtid som nordiskt forskningscentrum är hotad. De nordiska länderna verkar inte bry sig särskilt mycket om institutets öde. Det är kortsiktig politik, skriver Morten Bøås.
Læs hele artiklen:

i Workshop: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism Call for Papers: Workshop on “Constitutional Rights, Judicial Independence and the Transition to Democracy: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism,” Thursday, November 13, 2014 – Sunday, November 16, 2014. To convene at New York Law School. Contact Stephen Ellmann, stephen.ellmann@nyls.edu. Drafts papers will need to be submitted by no later than October 13, 2014.

i The International People´s College in Elsinore, Denmark. BRICS-seminar: South Africa - a change to follow? Date: 3rd – 4th of November 2012 Contact IPC at ipc@ipc.dk or phone +45 49 21 33 61 Speakers & Presenters: H.E. Ms. Samkelisiwe Isabe l Mhlanga, South Africa’s Ambassador to Denmark. Hans Erik Stolten, Ph.d., Historian, Africa researcher. André Sonnichsen, Ph.d., Researcher at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen. Thomas Mandrup, Dr.Phil., Ph.d., Assistant Professor and Head of the Africa Programme at the Royal Danish Defence College’s Institute for Strategy. Rikke Forchhammer, Principal at Krogerup Højskole. Anders Möllander, Retired diplomat, former Ambassador of Sweden to South Africa. Tonny Brems Knudsen, Ph.d., Associate Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. All lectures will be in English. Download the entire programme from this link: South Africa Seminar Net Brochure.

i The 10th Annual General Assembly of DDRN will be held on 28 January, 2015, 16:30-17:30 at Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark. Members are encouraged to stand for election to the new working DDRN board. To stand for election for the board or for more information please write to info@ddrn.dk. The Agenda for the GA and location will be updated here. Please take note of the following deadlines: 7 January, 2015: Deadline for proposals for the agenda to be discussed at the GA. 14 January, 2015: Deadline for registering for the General Assembly with DDRN's student assistant via e-mail (info@ddrn.dk).

i From the Centre of African Studies,
University of Copenhagen,
In connection with the 25th anniversary jubilee of the Centre of African Studies, CAS re-launched its series of academic working papers. The series was previously available under the name of Working Papers and Occasional Papers, but newer issues have been published in a new layout as CAS Africa Papers. The historian Hans Erik Stolten has been the editor on the new series. CAS Africa Papers contributes to the understanding of Africa-relevant issues across a broad range of subject areas to provide both research students and established researchers with an opportunity to publish their results. Papers in both English and Danish language are produced in a relatively modest format. CAS Africa Papers can, together with previous CAS publications, be downloaded from this link

i FAU's annual general assembly and seminar: Fra MDGs til SDGs -Vejen dertil, indholdet og betydning for de fattige. There will be presentations from the Danish Foreign Ministry, Verdens Bedste Nyheder, Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS) and FAU/CBS as well as panel debates. This seminar will take place in danish. Date: Thursday 20. november 2014, 2.30-5.00 pm Venue: CBS, Porcelænshaven 26, 4. sal, lokale PH408.

i Development Paradoxes – the difficulties of marrying growth with local economic development and poverty reduction Copenhagen, 20.-22. Augst 2014 The 2-days conference will include a mix of keynote presentations by renowned scholars, plenary debates, parallel workshops and poster presentations. FAU and DDRN invite researchers, students, practitioners (from NGOs and consultants) and policy makers to join. The conference will take place in Copenhagen at CBS Thursday and Friday 21-22 August 2014 with a pre-conference event Wednesday 20th in the afternoon. Prizes for best master thesis in the fields of the conference will also be awarded. Deadline for workshop and panel proposals by 15th April 2014. Further information http://www.fau.dk/general-information.html.

i AMIS hosts the 2014 Nordic Migration Conference Under the heading ‘Flows, places and boundaries – migratory challenges and new agendas’, the 17th Nordic Migration Conference will address the status of both migration tendencies and migration research and examine what lies ahead. The conference will be held in Denmark, 13th - 15th of August 2014, and will be hosted by Centre for Advanced Migration Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

i EU:s politik gentemot Afrika - hot eller mojlighet for afrikanska linder. Seminarium torsdagen den 27 mars kl. 12-14 (Lunchmacka från 11.30) Plats: Stadsmuseet (Tessinsalen på van 3), Sodermalmstorg, Slussen, Stockholm. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Forum Syd, Afrikagrupperna.

i Conference: Twenty Years Later: South Africa and the Post-Apartheid Condition. Emory University, 17-19 April 2014 Date: 2013-11-01 Description: The Institute of African Studies at Emory University will be holding a major conference coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of the ending of apartheid and South Africas first democratic elections. Our primary goals are to develop critical new perspectives on the past two decades. Contact: ccrais@emory.edu.

i 1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC): Shifting identities, changing relations: Ethnicity, Culture and Society in an Emerging Africa, 14 – 16 May, 2014. Venue: Sedláčkova 15, SP319, Plzeň. Central European African Studies Network (CEASN) is proud to announce the 1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC) which is going to take place at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. send abstracts to africa.pilsen@gmail.com until February 20th, 2014. www.africa-pilsen.com, www.ceasn.eu.

i Stephen Ellis, 1953 - 2015 ‘We mourn the loss of a prominent scholar and an inspiring colleague. But it is more in keeping with Stephen’s spirit to celebrate his legacy and to continue asking irreverent questions, pursue unlikely leads and publish the outcomes', ASC researcher Ineke van Kessel wrote in her obituary of our beloved colleague Stephen Ellis. Stephen died at home on 29 July 2015.

i Nils Holtug's Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Political Philosophy, with special responsibilities for migration research, at the University of Copenhagen 27. May 2014 Room: 27.0.09 Kl. 15.00-17.00 In his talk, Nils Holtug will pinpoint major trends in contemporary work on migration in political philosophy. What are the main issues, where are we heading, and in what ways do contributions from political philosophy differ from those of other academic disciplines?

i The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala:
19-20 November: Development Cooperation and Higher Education Coherence in Policy and Practice in Finland, Sweden and the Nordic Region The Finnish-Swedish Series of Dialogues in Higher Education and Research, part VI, at Hanaholmen, Helsinki, Finland. The seminar is free of charge, registration open until October 22.

iInternational workshop. The European Union and Africa: The Interregional Dynamics Athens, Greece, 26-28 September 2014. All papers should be original and submitted for circulation to conference. Email: seeconference@uop.gr. Website at http://hellenicafricanstudies.wordpress.com.

iConference: The African Studies Centre, ISS: On Friday 26 October the African Studies Centre Leiden and the International Debate Education Association organize the final public debate in Leiden on 'Debating the Future of African youth in Europe and Africa'. Check the special website of the debate project: africanyouth.idebate.org.

The African Studies Centre (ASC) and the Netherlands - African Business Council (NABC) are celebrating their 65th anniversaries this year with a two-day international conference entitled 'Africa Works! 21st Century Trends', which will be held in Zeist, The Netherlands, on 29 and 30 October 2012. The aim of the conference is to shed some light on the positive trends that are unfolding on the continent, showing that Africa provides endless opportunities. By bringing together Dutch and African companies, government officials, policy-makers, academics and other interested in Africa, we aim at understanding Africa's 21th century trends.
Conference programme: www.africaworks.nl. Contact: africa@ascleiden.nl.

i From Africa Contact (Denmark),
Ulandsfagligt Selskab - The new Africa – no longer the hopeless continent? Heldagskonference fredag d. 2. november kl. 17.00 hos IDA Her er der bl.a. tale om større syd-finansiering via CSO-fonde, krav om mere effektiv administration, internationale alliancer, nye rammeaftaler med langt flere danske CSOer (civilsam-fundsorganisati-oner) end i dag, osv.

i From H-NET Distribution List for News and Announcements [H-ANNOUNCE@H-NET.MSU.EDU]:

ASA 2012 PANEL: New Frontiers, Old Struggles in African Labor Studies Date Submitted: 2012-03-01. We are looking for papers on African labor studies. The panel is multidisciplinary as it combines historical, economic, sociological, anthropological, and political analyses of the working people of Africa. The panel is co-organised by Prof. F. Barchiesi (Ohio State University) and Dr. S. Bellucci (IISH, Amsterdam). Please send the abstract, max. 250 words, to: sbe@iisg.nl Stefano Bellucci, PhD Head of Sub-Saharan Africa Desk International Institute of Social History Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT, Amsterdam, Netherlands tel.: +31 (0)20 6685866 Email: sbe@iisg.nl Visit the website at http://socialhistory.org

i AEGIS / African Studies Centre of the Lisbon University Institute: ECAS 5 The fifth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 5) will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 26 to 28, 2013. It will be organized by the Centro de Estudos Africanos - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (African Studies Centre of the Lisbon University Institute) on behalf of AEGIS, the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies. Its general theme will be 'African Dynamics in a Multipolar World'. The call for papers is now open and will close on 16th January 2013. More info from this link: ECAS 2013.

i The Power of Principles! BRICS Policies on World Order Monday 9 September 9.30 – 15.00 Venue: Gammel Varmecentral, Kastellet The seminar is arranged by the Royal Danish Defence College. (13.00 – 13.25 South Africa in the BRICS – Still the Odd One Out? Thomas Mandrup, RDDC and Karen Smith, University of Cape Town 13.25 – 14.00 Discussants). Registration RSVP by Wednesday 4 September 2013 to Thomas Schytt Jensen by e-mail: IFS-P01@fak.dk.

iConference: The African Studies Centre, ISS and ISS-SCHOLAS: 10 September 2012, 10.00-17.30 The African National Congress at 100 Organized by the African Studies Centre, ISS and ISS-SCHOLAS In its 18 years in government, the ANC has achieved important progress. With the abolition of apartheid, South Africa has become a liberal democracy, in which the rule of law, democratic elections and the legal equality of all its citizens are taken for granted. However, much remains to be done. In this conference, a wide range of speakers will address different aspects of the ANC's history and its role as ruling party, as well as broader trends in present-day South Africa. Afrika Studie Centrum, Asc@ascleiden.nl.
Venue: Auditorium, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS-EUR), Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague.

i From H-NET Distribution List for News and Announcements [H-ANNOUNCE@H-NET.MSU.EDU]:

School of Advanced Study, University of London, organizes a one day seminar on equality. One-day Conference: Understanding Equality 25 May 2012, 10:00 - 18:00 Speakers:Joseph Raz (Columbia & King's College London), Veronique Munoz Darde (UCL & Berkeley), Niko Kolodny (Berkeley), Sam Scheffler (NYU). Registration. Organised by:Institute of PhilosophyEvent Type:Conference / Symposium Venue:Room 349 (SH)Venue Details:This room is located on the third floor of Senate House.

Africa in World Politics 2011 Africa Conference At the University of Texas at Austin Theme: Africa in World Politics Dates: March 25-27, 2011 Venue: The University of Texas at Austin Convener: Toyin Falola We are inviting scholars to submit conference papers and full panal proposals for the 2011 conference on Africa in World Politics.
Email: africaconference@2011@gmail.com Visit the website at:
http://www.utexas.edu/conferences/ africa/2011/11CallforPapers.htm.

Title: CFP: MSU Africanist Graduate Student Conference. Location: Michigan. Date: 2010-08-01. Description: CALL FOR PAPERS Fourth Annual Michigan State. University Africanist Graduate Student Conference: Emerging Perspectives in African Studies October 8-9, 2010, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan The fourth annual. Africanist graduate student research conference at Michigan State University ... Contact: msuasgc@msu.edu URL: africa.isp.msu.edu/gradconference/. Announcement ID: 175302. http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=175302.

Title: Second Call for Papers: Africa in the Age of Globalization: COnceptions & Misconceptions Location: Ontario, Canada Call for Papers Deadline: 2010-05-15. Africa in the Age of Globalization,” is a conference organized by the Brantford campus’ Contemporary Studies program, in association with the Tshepo Institute for the Study of Contemporary Africa. The organizing committee welcomes presentations exploring the new perceptions and perennial misconceptions characterizing relations between Africa and the rest of the world in the era of globalization. Sub themes may include, but are not limited to: ~ images of Africa which emphasize the continent’s neediness despite its potential ~ changing political and economic relationships with key global powers ~ environmental challenges and the responses that these have engendered ~ the role of media in shaping emerging democracies We are open to diverse formats, including scholarly papers, workshops and audio/visual presentations, and encourage proposals for complete panels (limited to three papers). Please send a title, 250-word abstract and contact information for all proposed participants to: proposals@laurierbrantfordconference.ca OR gwarrick@wlu.ca by May 15, 2010. Dr. Gary Warrick Carnegie Building Brantford Campus Wilfrid Laurier University Phone: (519) 756-8228 ext.5710 Email: gwarrick@wlu.ca Visit the website at http://library.wlu.ca/ocs/ index.php?conference=africa&schedConf=index or http://www.laurierbrantfordconference.ca/

Title: Call for Papers - ASA Women's Caucus, African Studies Association. Location: California. Date: 2010-03-28. Description: ASA Women's Caucus (African Studies Association conference San Francisco November 17-21, 2010 Land, Food and Freedom: Gendered Struggles for the Commons in Africa This panel will consider how history, literature, and art inform and are expressed in contemporary gendered resistance to enclosure in Af... Contact: dlafond@uamail.albany.edu. Announcement ID: 175122. http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=175122.

Title: 2nd CFP: Oral History and Fieldwork in Helsinki 2010 Dec 2-3 (FOHN) Deadline: 2010-05-22 Description: 2 nd Call for papers ORAL HISTORY AND FIELDWORK The (Re)use and Interpretation of Research Materials Helsinki, 23 December 2010 Papers are invited for contributions to the Oral History and Fieldwork The (Re)use and Interpretation of Research Materials symposium hosted by the Finnish Literature Socie ... Contact: fohn@finlit.fi Announcement ID: 175961 http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=175961

Title: REGISTRATION EXTENDED: Scholarly Networks in the British Empire: imperial and transnational connections after 1850 Begins: 2010-07-05 Description: REGISTRATION OPEN: Scholarly Networks in the British Empire 5 - 6 July 2010, Wadham College, Oxford. This two-day conference will examine the nature and extent of scholarly networks connecting academics and universities in the British Empire after 1850. By examining the historical lineages of these ... Contact: tamson.pietsch@new.ox.ac.uk URL: sites.google.com/site/scholarlynetworks Announcement ID: 175873 http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=175873

Title: Congrs des tudes africianes en France Date: 2010-09-06. Description: Congrs des tudes africaines en France Recherches et dbats: rinventer lAfrique ? 6-7-8 septembre 2010 Universit de Bordeaux. Les thmatiques retenues pour cette rencontre: Une rflexion sur les OMD (Objectifs du Millnaire pour le Dveloppement) dans leur dclinaison africaine, cinq ans a ... Contact: rtpafrique2010@sciencespobordeaux.fr URL: www.rtpafrique2010.sciencespobordeaux.fr. Announcement ID: 175308. http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=175308.

i From Tiffany F. Jones tjones@csusb.edu:
Northeast Workshop on Southern Africa 2010 Call for Papers This is the first call for papers and participation for the Ninth Northeast Workshop on Southern Africa (NEWSA). We encourage scholars from all disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to submit proposals. The meeting will be held at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, Vermont (US), April 9-11, 2010.

i From AEGIS, http://www.aegis-eu.org/Ecas.htm: 4th European Conference on African Studies, from 15-18 June 2011 in Uppsala, Sweden.

iFrom ACASA,
http://www.acasaonline.org/conf_next.htm: 15th Triennial Symposium on African Art Conference Announcement, and a Call for A Conference Theme (Deadline Extended to March 15) The 15th Triennial Symposium on African Art, founded by Richard Long in 1968 and now sponsored by the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA), will be hosted by the University of California, Los Angeles, beginning Wednesday, March 23, through Saturday, March 26, 2011. To initiate planning for the conference, the program committee is inviting submissions to identify a central theme as a focus for a core group of panels. As with almost all conference themes, the attention should be directed towards the most compelling current issues in the field. To encourage submissions, the committee will award the individual who submits the selected theme an even dozen of the forty plus African and African American volumes published by the Fowler Museum since its founding in 1963 (listed below). To encourage membership and participation in the sponsoring organization, this offer is only available to members of ACASA.

i ASC Seminar: African Rentiers and Chinese Entrepreneurs: Local-Global Entanglements in South Africa’s Rural Towns 23 January, 15.30-17.00. Africa Thesis Award Winner Nkululeko Mabandla (Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town) focuses on the transformation from farming to real-estate development among South Africa’s black land-owning middle class since the 1990s. African Studies Centre, Pieter de la Court building, Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden.

i Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
Location: Ethiopia. Conference Date: 2014-01-27. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin. press@culturaldiplomacy.org. www.culturaldiplomacy.org.

i Nordic Africa Days 2014. Misbehaving States and Behaving Citizens? Questions of Governance in African States. Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. 26-27 September 2014. Find more information here:
Panel proposals should be submitted to:
nad2014@nai.uu.se no later than 28 Febr. 2014.

i Conference of the African Studies Association in Germany: Future Africa. University of Bayreuth, Germany. 11/06/2014.
www.vad-ev.de/bayreuth2014. vad.bayreuth2014@gmail.com.

i Conference: Contemporary Orientations in African Cultural Studies. May 30 June 1, 2014
Department of English & Cultural Studies, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.
Contact: africanculturalstudies@gmail.com

i Writing South Africa Now: Twenty Years On is a one-day colloquium on South African literature to be held at the University of York on Saturday, June 7th 2014. Please submit abstracts of up to 300 words for 20-minute papers, one-page CV’s, and panel suggestions (optional) to the convenors, Fai Suthipinittharm and Imke van Heerden, at writingsouthafricanow@gmail.com by April 15th. http://writingsouthafricanow.wordpress.com.

i From H-NET Distribution List: Title: African History Conference Location: North Carolina Description: African History Conference Theme: Beyond the Boundaries: Toyin Falola and African Historiography Venue: University of North Carolina Wilmington Date: October 12, 2013. A one-day African History Conference to be held at the UNC-Wilmington on October 12, 2013. Contact: amponsahn@uncw.edu Announcement ID: 204514 http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=204514

i Centro de Estudos Africanos - ISCTE/IUL Av. das Forças Armadas Edifício ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal.
The conference “Building the Africa-Europe Partnership: What next?” will be held on December 13-14, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Room 2)and it is organized by the Marquês Valle Flor Institute, the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (IEEI) and the Center for African Studies/ISCTE-IUL, together with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). The background for these debates is the EU-Africa Summit, to be held in 2014, and the on-going discussions towards a post-2015 global development agenda, which will necessarily link complex issues such as security, environment, governance and growth. The entrance is free, upon registration, and the working languages are Portuguese and English (translation available). Documents are also available at http://www.imvf.org/
conteudos.aspx?id=433&cid=1220 Tel: +351 217 903 067 Fax: +351 217 955 361 http://cea.iscte.pt, e-mail: divulgacao.cea@iscte.pt.

i Zentrum Moderner Orient, Irmgard Coninx Foundation, the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and the Humboldt-University Berlin: From Rebellion to Revolution: Dynamics of Political Change 16th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality, October 17 – 20, 2012, WZB The recent waves of protests and demonstrations in many countries around the world have reintroduced the question of revolution and grass-roots system change to the political and scholarly agenda. Whether it is the fight against autocratic and corrupt regimes or protests against market-driven politics, in many of these cases revolution is in the air or already on the streets. Against this background, the 16th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality want to examine the dynamics of political (and often violent) unrest that lead to, or at least aims at, fundamental structural transformations of political regimes and alterations in power relations between the masses and the elites.
+49 30 25491-411, info@irmgard-coninx-stiftung.de

i Detente and Social Revolution in Southern Africa Location: Portugal Call for Papers Deadline: 2011-01-31 Date Submitted: 2010-11-25 IPRI/LSE IDEAS Lisbon, 6-7 May 2011. http://www2.lse.ac.uk/IDEAS/programmes/africa Programme/pdfs/lisbonCallForPapers2011.pdf.

iAfrica in The Changing World Development Paradigm 12th Conference of Africanists (Moscow, Russia. May 23-25, 2011.

i The American and British Relationship with Africa since 1960 on Friday, 10 June 2011 at the University of Northumbria (Newcastle upon Tyne) Location: United Kingdom Call for Papers Date: 2011-06-10 Proposals may be sent to ukusafricaconf@gmail.com or either of the organisers: Dr Sylvia Ellis Northumbria University sylvia.ellis@northumbria.ac.uk / Robert McNamara rm.mcnamara@ulster.ac.uk,
Email: ukusafricaconf@gmail.com.

i Call For Papers - International Conference - The End of The Portuguese Empire in a Comparative Perspective - Lisbon, June 20-21, 2011 Call for Papers: Deadline December 31st Convenors: António Costa Pinto (ICS/UL), Luís Nuno Rodrigues (CEHC/ISCTE), Pedro Aires Oliveira (IHC/UNL), Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (ICS/UL), Philip Murphy (Institute of Commonwealth Studies). England, September 2012. http://www2.lse.ac.uk/IDEAS/programmes/africa Programme/pdfs/LisbonPortugalConference.pdf


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