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Author Title Source Publisher Year Library Publ. type

South African Yearbook 2003/04 - and later,

GCIS 2004-
Statistik, landerapport, opslagsværk,

Two Cheers? South African Democracy's First Decade, Review of African Political Economy, Volume 31, Number 100, (June 2004),
2004 KB: elt-re / CAS / UBF:REF-SAM.
Web fulltext.
Anthony Butler, Contemporary South Africa,
Palgrave, 2004
Statistik, landerapport, opslagsværk,
Bello, Walden & Bullard, Nicola,
Global Finance: New Thinking on Regulating Speculative Capital Markets,
UK. Zed Books, 2000

Blomstrom, Magnus / Lundahl, Mats: Economic Crisis in Africa,
London, Routledge, UK, 1993 KB: US8-G3492, Fiol: FKL MNAT Econ
Brett Bowes and Steuart Pennington, South Africa. The Good News. 27 chapters on the remarkable progress achieved since 1994,
South Africa - The Good News (Pty) Ltd., 2002 hes,
Brett Bowes and Steuart Pennington, South Africa. More Good News: 20 new chapters on the remarkable progress achieved since 1994,
South Africa - The Good News (Pty) Ltd., 2003

Carolyn Jenkins and Lynne Thomas: The Changing Nature of Inequality in South Africa,
UNU/WIDER, Finland, 2000 hes /79, hes /skan Lærermaterialer, NAI.
Erwin, Alec: Financing Mechanisms,
Cape Town, 1994 hes /76, Kopieret paper.
Fourie, Frederick C v N: How to think and reason in macroeconomics,
Cape Town: Juta, 1999/97 hes, Universitetslærebog,
GNU: Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) document,

1996 Web: http://www.polity.org.za/
Griffin, K: Alternative Strategies for Economic Development,
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989

Houghton, Hobart D.: The South African economy,
Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1964 SOAS Libr./KB: el-74-1647. Monografi,
Lazar, David: Competing economic ideologies in South Africa's economic debate, The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1996 hes /83, Carolina: TLS O per O 69,
Læses i tidsskriftlæsesal,
Lipton, Merle: Capitalism and Apartheid. South Africa, 1910 - 1984,
London: Gower/Temple Smith, 1985/86 hes,(86udg.) KB: hæ-86-85.
Lipton, Merle / Simkins, Charles (eds.): State and Market in Post Apartheid South Africa,
Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1993 hes, NAI, MS 98.487 ST,
Lundahl, Mats: The Post-Apartheid Economy, and After? I Petersson, Lennart (ed.): Post-Apartheid Southern Africa. Economic Challenges and Policies for the Future, London: Routledge, 1998 NAI: sa, Dag Hammer, (Carolina),
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Lundahl, Mats: Growth or Stagnation? South Africa heading for the year 2000, The Making of Modern Africa, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999

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In Lundahl: From crisis to growth in Africa? London: Routledge, 2001

Lundahl, Mats (Ed.), Globalization and the Southern African Economies, Research Report 130,

Lundahl, Mats (edited by): From crisis to growth in Africa?
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Merle, Lipton: The Challenge of Sanctions, Discussion Paper, No. 1, Centre for the Study of the South African Economy and International Finance, London School of Economics, 1990 hes,
Merle, Lipton: The Challenge of Sanctions, The South African Journal of Economics; vol. 57, no. 2,

Morna: RDP - growt the only Answer, African Business, No. 210, London, 1996 CDR,
Natrass, Nicoli: Politics and economics in ANC economic policy, African Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 372,

Neva Seidman Makgetla, Post-apartheid Economy, Review of African Political Economy - Vol. 31 No. 100 (June 2004), pp 263-281,

NIEP: From RDP to Gear: The Gradual Embracing of Neo-Liberalism in Economic Policy, National Institute for Economic Policy,

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Ramos, Maria: In defence of Gear: Comment by the Department of Finance, Indicator South Africa, Quarterly Report, Vol.14, No.3, University of Natal, Durban, Center for Social and Development Studies, 1997 NAI, CAS (kun dette nr.),
Rawi Abdelal, Debora Spar , Katherine E. Cousins Remaking the Rainbow Nation: South Africa 2002, Harvard Business Online,
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Roger Southall, ANC & Black Capitalism in South Africa, Review of African Political Economy - Vol. 31 No. 100 (June 2004), pp313-328,
2004 CAS,
RSA: The Good Hope Plan for Southern Africa. Department of Foreign Affairs and Information, Pretoria, 1981
RSA: Estimates of National Expenditure / Budget Review / Budget Speak,
RSA, National Treasury, 2001 NAI: Statstryk. Statistikker, Statstryk, regeringsdokument.
Seekings, Jeremy (pres. by) and Nicoli Nattrass: Apartheid Revisited: Analysing Apartheid as a Distributional Regime, Graduate school of Humanities with the Centre for African Studies Seminar, University of Cape Town,
2000 hes, UCT: BAP 339.2 Seek,
Setai, Bethuel: The Making of Poverty in South Africa,
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