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Teaching notes

The first link leads to programmes, background reading and PowerPoint presentations for lectures at open university, folk high schools, etc., both old and forthcoming.
Other links on this page lead to my teaching plans for a previous seminar held at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen. Held together, they provide a sample syllabus; an example of my teaching.
Teaching philosophy, lessons, compendium literature, presentations, and supplementary texts for a course can be viewed. In a large document in Danish you can navigate between notes and backgrounds for the single lectures of an earlier course.

Also, some methodological and didactic tools can be found here and a link to protected teaching materials.

i Accessible background material for public lectures - Baggrundslæsning for foredrag

Teaching and learning: teaching philosophy (pp-presentation in pdf-format)

Notes on study techniques: how to write a project (pp-presentation in pdf-format)

i Notes on study techniques: the use of theory in social science (pp-presentation in pdf-format)

Literature on study techniques (extract from my database, LitSA)

Teaching theme SA seminar

Teaching sessions SA seminar

Teaching sessions, questions for discussion, SA seminar

Examination requirements SA seminar

Dansksprogede lærernoter fra ældre Sydafrika-seminar

i Links to PowerPoint seminar presentations

Access to reading and teaching materials

You will need a password to get access to materials for certain ongoing activities. This includes restricted course literature in full-text. If you need to read these texts, please e-mail me for the proper password.

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