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Papers from the NAI/CAS conference on South African history in Copenhagen 200i2
Papers on international solidarity and social movements

Several of the papers produced in connection with the conference could not immediately
be published in book form.
Here you will find a collection of some of the papers not yet published.

Reinhart Kössler's article on Nordic Relations to Liberation in southern Africa

Håkan Thörn's paper on Solidarity Across Borders

Bjørn Møller's paper on Håkan Thörn's solidarity across borders

i Christopher Morgenstierne's paper on African Freedom Struggle in Denmark

i Steen Christensen's paper on the Danish debate on liberation movements

i Morten Nielsen's response on the anti-apartheid struggle in Denmark

Timo-Erkki Heino's article on Finnish Solidarity with South Africa

i Nina Drolsum Kroglund's paper on Norwegian Solidarity with southern Africa

Gorm Gunnarsen's paper on the tricameral boycott of 1984

Ian Liebenberg's paper on civil strife, diaspora, and visions contending


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