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Author Title Source Publisher Year Library Publ. type Key Words Da

Educational Renewal Strategy (ERS), Departement of National Education,

Uddannelseslit, transformationsprocesssen, RDP, uddannelsespolitik,

National Education Policy Investigation (Nepi), National Education Co-ordination committee (NECC),

Uddannelseslit, transformationsprocesssen, RDP, uddannelsespolitik,

Report: national evaluation and monitoring of the trial of Curriculum 2005 and OBE in provincial pilot schools in South Africa, South Africa (Republic) - Department of Education [Pretoria: Department of Education], 1997. i, 23 p., col. ill.; 21 x 30 cm 1997

Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,

South Africa Education for All 2000 Assessment, (Vol 6, no 4, 1999), Quarterly Review of Education and Training in South Africa,
Periodikatitlel vigtigst, Uddannelsespolitik, folkeskolen, curriculum,
Abdi, Ali A: Integrated Education and Black Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa: a Critical Analysis, A Journal of Comparative Education Vol. 31, No. 2. June 2001 p. 229-244 2001 hes /82, RUC. Periodikatitel, Uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, uddannelseslit,
ANC: Policy Framework for education..?

Uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen,
Bam, June et al. (ed.): South African History Project,
Department of Education, 2001 hes /-, Dep. of Edu. website.
Folkeskolen, gymnasiet, historieundervisning, universiteter, højere uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, historiefaget, curriculum,
Bam, June / Gunnarssen et al. South Africa - Denmark. History for Democracy Symposium, Division for Academic Development Programmes, University of Stellenbosch, 2000 hes, Senimarprogram. Uddannelsespolitik, didaktik, pædagogik, undervisning,
Brock-Utne, Birgit: Decolonizing the African Mind, Vol. 4, Rap. 1, 95, Education in Africa, The University at Oslo, 93-98-
Periodikatitel, Uddannelse i Africa, pædagogik, didaktik, uddannelsespolitik, bistand.
Buckland, Peter / Hofmeyr, Jane: Education and Governance in South Africa, Urban Foundation Report, (Education policy and system change unit),

Uddannelseslit, transformationsprocesssen, RDP, uddannelsespolitik,
Carol Summers, Educational controversies : African activism and educational strategies in Southern Rhodesia, 1920-1934, JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES. - 20, no. 1 (1994). - pp.3-25,
1994 hes /83,
Uddannelsespolitik, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, segregation,
Chisholm, Linda / Ben Fine: Context and contest in South African education policy: comment on Curtin, African Affairs : journal of the Royal the Royal African Society. - Årgång 93, Nummer 371, S. 233
1994 NAI,
Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik,
Chrisholm, Linda: Education, Politics and Organisation. The Educational Traditions and legacies of the Non-European Unity Movement, 1943-1986, Transformation, Vol. 15, pp. 1-23,
1991 hes /79,
Uddannelseshistorie, alternativ uddannelsespolitik, Unity Movement, UDF, studenterbevægelse, organisationer, protest, non-racialism,
Chrisholm, Linda et al.: A South African Curriculum for the twenty first century. Report of the review Committee on Curriculum 2005, Presented to the minister, 31 May, Pretoria, 2000 NAI.
Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, folkeskolen, basisuddannelse, Curriculum 2005,
Cobbe, James: Economic Policy Issues in the Education Sector. Indeholdt i Suckling/White (ed.): After Apartheid.., London, 1988 hes, NAI: SY 1250? After,
Uddannelsespolitik, okonomisk politik, forskningspolitik, uddannelseslit,
Dzvimbo, K. P. (Peter K. Dzvimbo) Didactics or educational sciences : curriculum and instruction and the search for an alternative paradigm for effective schools in a new South Africa, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research;   vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-22 : tab, 1995

Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,
Elaine Unterhalter / Harold Wolpe / Thozamile Botha (eds.): Education in a future South Africa: policy issues for transformation,
Oxford : Heinemann, 1991 NAI,
Transformationsprocessen, uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik,
GNU: WHITE PAPER ON EDUCATION AND TRAINING, NOTICE 196 OF 1995, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CAPE TOWN, 15 MARCH 1995 1995 hes (disk), ANC-www, Hvidbog, Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, RDP, transformationsprocessen, postapartheidperspektiver, universiter,
Harber, Clive: State of transition: post-apartheid educational reform in South Africa, Monographs in international education, Oxford: Symposium 2001 NAI: Sydafrika Har,
Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, læreruddannelse, transformationsprocessen,
Hartshorne, K.: Crisis and challenge: Black education, 1910 - 1990,
Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1992 BL: yc.1993.b.4280,
sort uddannelseslit, universiteter, uddannelsespolitik, folkeskoleuddannelse,
Hlatshwayo, Simphiwe A. EDUCATION AND INDEPENDENCE: Education in South Africa, 1658-1988,
Contributions in Afro-American and African studies ; 196, Westport, Conn, Greenwood, 2000 NAI: Sydafrika Hla
Uddannelsespolitik under transformationsprocessen,
Jacobsen, Bo / Mikkel Bo Madsen / Claude Vincent: Danske forskningsmiljøer - en undersøgelse af universitetsforskningens aktuelle situation,
Kbh.: Hans Reitzel, 2001 KB: fiol EXG MEK, Dansk forskningsrapport. Studieteknik, forskningsfagligt, videnskabsteori, dansk uddannelsespolitik, personale og ledelse, forskningsteknik.
Jansen, Jonathan D.: Political symbolism as policy craft: explaining non-reform in South African education after apartheid, Journal of EDUCATION POLICY, 2002, VOL. 17, NO. 2,199-215
2002 hes /79,
Uddannelsespolitik, højere uddannelse under transformationsprocessen, uddannelseslit,
Jonathan Jansen, The state of higher education in South Africa: From massification to mergers, in Adam Habib, John Daniel and Roger Southall (eds.), State of the Nation. South Africa 2003-2004, ch. 13, pp. 290-311, Published by HSRC Press, 2003 hes /skan,
Transformationsprocessen, højere uddannelse, curriculum 2005, uddannelsespolitikken, universiteter,
(Kadar Asmal): Draft Revised National Curriculum Statement,

Pretoria, Dep. of Education, 2001 hes /82, Dep.edu. website,
Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, folkeskolen, basisuddannelse,
Kallaway, Peter (ed.): Apartheid and education. The Education of Black South Africans, (Education Policy Unit / Centre for African Studies UCT), Ravan Press, Johannesburg, 1984 MS: 98.487 AP, NAI, (hes /54 contents), Indeholder omfattende bibliografi. uddannelseslit, universiteter, skoler, middelklassen, intellektuelle, folkeskoleuddannelse, uddannelsespolitik,
Kraak, Andre (Ed.): Changing Modes: New Knowledge Production and its Implications for Higher Education in South Africa,
South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 2000 NAI: cha sy, hes /82 (delkopi af Kraak og Jansen),
universiteter, højere uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, curriculum, statistik,
Linda Chrisholm, The state of curriculum reform in South Africa: The issue of Curriculum 2005 in Adam Habib, John Daniel and Roger Southall (eds.), State of the Nation. South Africa 2003-2004, Ch. 12, pp. 268-289, Human Sciences Research Council, 2003

Undervisning, folkeskolen, curriculum 2005, uddannelsespolitikken,
Linda Chrisholm (ed.), Changing Class: education and social change in post-apartheid South Africa,
HSRC Press, 2004 hes, Artikelsamling, anthology, Uddannelsespolitik, højere uddannelse, universiteter, sprog, uddannelseslit,
Mabokela, Reitumetse Obakeng and Kimberley Lenease King (eds.): Apartheid No More. Case studies of Southern African Universities in the Process of Transformation,
Westport, Connecticut / London: Bergin & Garvey, 2001 NAI: apa ep,
Højere uddannelse, uddannelsespolitik, uddannelseslit, universiteter, sprogpolitik,
Malan, Stephanus P. T: Contribution to the African renaissance vision: the role of South African higher education institutions, Development Southern Africa (18:4), 2001, P. 513-523,
2001 Sydafrika Cha Journal article Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, højere uddannelse, universiteter, African renaissance, afrikansk renæssance,
Mda, Thobeka and Steward Mothata (eds.): Critical Issues in South African Education After 1994,
Cape Town: Juta, 2000 NAI: cri sy,
Uddannelsespolitik, folkeskolen, basisuddannelse, curriculum 2005, uddannelseslit, love,
Ministry of Education, Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy, August 2001, The Values in Education Initiative, Department of Education, 2001 hes /- (delvis), Dep.edu. website,
Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, folkeskolen, basisuddannelse,
Naidoo, Jordan: Racial integration of public schools in South Africa: study of practices, attitudes and trends, Durban: Education Policy Unit, University of Natal, 1996. 99 p.; 29 cm
1996 UN.
Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,
Ndhlovu, Themba Creating people-centred schools: school organization and change in South Africa: learning guide, Cape Town: O.U.P., 1999. vi, 138 p.; 30 cm   
1999 NAI: cre sy.
Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,
Centre for Higher Education Transformation (CHET), Cape Town, 2000 Web: http://www.chet.org.za/25604-4.html
Højere uddannelse, sociale relationer, transformationsprocessen, uddannelsespolitikken, uddannelseslit, universiteter,
P. T. Mgadla, A History of Education in the Bechuanaland Protectorate to 1965,
Lanham: University Press of America, 2003

Missionsskoler, uddannelsespolitik i Botswana, kolonitiden, regionen, kolonialisme,
PF Iya, NS Rembe, J Baloro (Eds.) : Transforming South African Universities - Capacity Building for Historically Black Universities,
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2000 NAI: tra sy
Sorte universiteter, højere uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, curriculum,
Pridmore: Teaching history in South Africa : the case of the missing texts. [Pretoria] : 1995, 7p, 30cm
1995 AI.
Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik, postmodermisme,
Professional Economic Panel: Report of the Growing Together Project, Sponsered by Old Mutual og Nedcor,

Uddannelseslit, transformationsprocesssen, RDP, uddannelsespolitik,
Uddannelsespolitik, uddannelseslit, RDP, transformationsprocessen, postapartheidperspektiver,
Selod, Harris, Private versus public schools in post-apartheid South African cities : theory and policy implications Discussion paper series ; no 3358 Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2002 BL.
Folkeskolen, curriculum, skoler, uddannelsespolitik,
Thiven Reddy, HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION, South Africa Case Study, COUNCIL ON HIGHER EDUCATION (CHE), 2004 hes download fra CHE Website,
Højere uddannelse, sociale relationer, transformationsprocessen, uddannelsespolitikken, uddannelseslit, universiteter,
Tikly, Leon / Shireen Motala: Changing the system : policy and conflict in South African education and training, EPU quarterly review of education and training in South Africa, Vol. 2/1, National Education Coordinating Committee, University of the Witwatersrand. Education Policy Unit, 1994 NAI,
Uddannelsespolitik, vidensmagt, uddannelseslit,
Unterhalter / Wolpe et al.: Apartheid Education and Popular Struggles,
London: Zed Books, 1991 CAS: 98.487, (hes /68 anml.), NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 7098, Bog/Anmeldelse, sporg, uddannelseslit, universiteter, protest, uddannelsespolitik,
Walker, Melanie: History and history teaching in apartheid South Africa, In History from South Africa: Alternative Visions and Practices, edited by Joshua Brown, Patrick Manning, Karin Shapiro and Jon Wiener. Philadelphia: Temple University Press; pp.268-276, ill.; 1991

Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,
Van der Berg, Servaas: Resource shifts in South African schools after the political transition, Development Southern Africa (18:4), 2001, P. 405-441
2001 NAI, CDR, periodika, Journal article Uddannelseslit, uddannelsespolitik, transformationsprocessen, folkeskolen, basisuddannelse,
Venter, I.S.J. and T.L. Verster: Educational Themes in Time Perspective, Part Three, Sixth Impression,
Pretoria: University of Soutrh Africa, 1997/86 hes, Lærebog, Uddannelsespolitik, højere uddannelse, undervisning, pædagogik, didaktik, uddannelseshistorie,
Whiteside J. A New school history of South Africa: with brief biographies and examination questions,

1916 Killie,
Uddannelseslit, folkeskolen, uddannelsespolitik,
Yusuf Sayed, Jonathan Jansen (editors) Implementing education policies : the South African experience,
Cape Town : University of Cape Town Press 2001 NAI: sy imp,
Uddannelsespolitik under transformationsprocessen, uddannelseslit,
Øverland, Lene: Kvinneliv i Sør-Afrika,
Institutt for geografi, Universitetet i Bergen
NAI: ove sy. Hovedfagsopgave, speciale, thesis, Kvinder i højere uddannelse, universiteter, UWC, kønsroller, transformationsprocessen, uddannelsespolitik, feltarbejde, antropologi, feminisme teori og metode, womanisme, socialpsykologi.

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