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ANC Archives at University of Fort Hare. ANC Scandinavian Mission RECORDS (1954-1994) Bulk Dates 1980-1993 99 Boxes


ANC links to Anti-Apartheid movements

Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/

O'Malley - "The Heart of Hope - South Africa's Transition from Apartheid to Democracy


Revisionsrapport om svensk kulturbistand?

The African Activist Archive Project

Claus Kjersgaard Nielsen (ed.), Historier om dansk udviklingsbistand,

Anml: http://www.historie-online.dk/nyt/bogfeature/jyske_historiker_120.htm
Different authors, Papers from NAIs Africa Days 2007, especially papers from the group: Exploring the Roots of the Nordic Colonial Mind,

Richard Knight, Documenting the U.S. Solidarity Movement -
With reflections on the sanctions and divestment campaigns,

Web: http://richardknight.homestead.com/files/aaapdurban2004.htm

Afrikabulletinen, Organ for Afrikagrupperna, Sverige
30 NAI

Afrikainformasjon Fellesrådet for det sörlige Afrika, Norge
25 NAI

Amandla, Landskomiteen Sydafrikaaktion, Kbh.

Anti-Apartheid Womens Newsletter, AAM Womens Committee, London
10 NAI

Cikaden, IBIS(WUS) og IF, Kbh.
Björn Beckman,   Conference paper

Mai Palmberg, "The Struggle for Africa" revisited: reflections on the history writing by the solidarity movement, Conference paper, Durban 2004,


FN-orientering, FN-forbundet

IF-blad for international solidaritet IF, Kbh

International Horisont, AIC / Socialdemokratiet

King Institute inauguration, anti-apartheid symposium to honor MLK legacy
Konference, Stanford University,

Kontakt, Kbh.: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke,

Mwalimu. Afrikagruppernas skolbulletin,

25 NAI

Notes and Documents, UN, Centre Against Apartheid, New York,
Klein, Genevieve, The British Anti-Apartheid Movement: Publicising the African National Congress, Paper for AEGIS European Conference on African Studies
11 - 14 July 2007, African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands,

Terry Crawford-Browne, Arms Deal Scandal, Review of African Political Economy - Vol. 31 No. 100 (June 2004), pp. 329-342,

CAS, hes t 21 download, KB: elt-re / Web: Online

Rapport / papers, Seminarium om Afrika-strategi-papers 26 November 2007 i Uppsala, Sverige, NAI,

Margaret Lenta, History effaced: the International Defence and Aid Letters (pp.203-215),
Social Dynamics, Volume 34, Issue 2, (pp.203-215) Journal of the Centre for African Studies at the University of Cape Town,

Collection African Labour History The International Institute of Social History (IISH)

Udkig, MS, Kbh.,

Af Torben Estermann, Woza redaktionen Kina i Afrika. TEMA: Privatisering, Woza, SAKs hjemmeside,

Web: http://www.sydafrika.dk/
Feit, Edward: South Africa: The Dynamics of the African National Congress, Institute of Race Relations, London, London: Oxford University Press, 1962 73 KB: hæ-63-164
Brooks, Alan K.: From Class Struggle to National Struggle. The Communist Party of South Africa, 1940-1950,
MA, University of Sussex, 1967 121 Unatal: 329.968 theses lib
Minty, Abdul S.: Sydafrika, Imperialist Serien, 9, Demos, Kbh, 1972 56 hes
Rubin, Leslie (Prep. by): Apartheid in Practice. United Nations Unit on Apartheid. New York, 1976 47 NAI
Kalley, Jacqueline A.: Pressure on Pretoria: sanctions, boycotts and the divestment - disinvestment issue, 1964-1988. select, annotated bibliography. South African Institute of International Affairs, 1976, John. 299 NAI

A landmark in the Struggle Against Apartheid. World Conference against Apartheid, Lagos 1977. World Peace Council, Helsinki, 1977 32 NAI
Beckman, Björn, Aid and Foreign Investment: The Swedish Case,
Uppsala University Press, 1978
Brade, Klaus: Südafrika. Apartheid. Illustrierte Historische Hefte no. 12. Centralinstitut für Geschichte der Akademie der Wi 1978 , Ber. 43 hes
Martin Legassick, British Capitalism, Sanctions against South Africa, and the Labour
Conference Paper 7. Anti-Apartheid Movement Conference on Sanctionsagainst South Africa, London, June,

Seidman, Ann / Makgetla, Neva: Outpost of monopoly Capitalism: Southern Africa in the Global Economy,
London, 1980 370 KB: el-87-178
Seidman, Judy: Facelift Apartheid. South Africa After Soweto,
IDAF, London, 1980 87 hes /16 + KB: el-86-550
Wangel, Arne / Tang, Erik / Weigelt, Peter: Namibia. Undertrykkelse og frihedskamp,
MS, Kbh, 1981 84 hes
Akeroyd, Anne / Ansprenger, F./ Hermle, R./ Hill,: European Business and South Africa: An Appraisal of the EEC-Code of Conduct, München, 1981 257 KB: el-83-911
Nielsen, Jens Jørgen: Angola efter selvstændigheden,
Historisk Revy, Kbh., 1982 140 hes
Eriksen, Tore Linné: Namibia. Kolonialisme, apartheid og frigjoringskamp i det sorlige Afrika, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1982 251 hes

Total war in South Africa. Militarisation and the apartheid state, NUSAS,
1982 85 hes /53, kun contents, NAI
Skafte, Ulrik T.: Apartheidregistrant: et bibliografiskt hjælpmiddel til informati- onssøgning om apartheid og situationen i Sydafrika, Landskommiteen Sydafrika-aktion, Aalborg, 1982 95 NAI, KB: OK-86/9-læsesal
Plaut, Martin / Ward, David: Black Trade Unions in South Africa. Spokesman Phamflet, 82, Nottingham, 1982 31 NAI
Lyby, Erik / Jensen, Ole / Ågård, Mads ed.: Amandla! Maatla! - Sydafrika skal blive vort!
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Århus, 1983 84 hes
Davidson, Basil: Sydafrika och omvärlden.
Tiden/AIC, Stockholm, 1984 50 NAI
Graf, Herbert / Joseph, Detlef: Volksrepublik Mocambique. Werden und Wachsen eines jungen Staates
Staatsverlag der DDR, Berlin-DDR, 1984 285 hes

Norsk Sor-Afrika-politik, Aktuelle utenrigspolitiske sporsmål, (26), Det Kong. Udenriksdepartement, Oslo, 1984 37 NAI
Danaher, Kevin: In Whose interest?: a guide to US-South African relations. Institute for Policy Studies, Wasington D.C., 1984   NAI
Hammer, Jørgen: Angola i krigens skygge, Msdebat, Kbh, 1984 56 hes
Booth, Douglas: Black liberation politics: Analysis of political processes in KwaZulu-Natal, Working Paper, Vol. 8, Rural Urban Studies Unit, University of Natal, Durban, 1984 22 NAI, hes /50

Trade Unions against Apartheid; proceedings of a Symposium to eva luate the ICFTU programme of of action in support...19-20/1-1984. International Confederation of Free T.U.,Brussel, 1984? 74 NAI
Jaster, Robert S.: South Africa in Namibia: The Botha Strategy. Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, Boston, 1985 114 NAI
Spray, Paul: Namibia: Redusing Dependence on South Africa. Pap.Pres at sem. on Dependency Relations...Uppsala 10-12/4 - 1985 NAI, Uppsala, 1985 15 NAI
Davies, Robert H.: South African Strategy Towards Mozambique in the Post-Nkomati Period. A Critical Analysis of Effects and Implications. Uppsala, Pap. Pres. at sem. 10-12/4 - 1985. 1985 ? 36 NAI
Sydafrikakomiteen i Kobenhavn: UDF - Fællesfront mod Apartheid, (Opr: Afrikagrupperne i Sverige; UDF - Ny front mot Apartheid), SAKK., 1985 (1984) 53 hes

United States Anti-Apartheid Newsletter, American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, 1985-   NAI
Lelyveld, Joseph: Move Your Shadow, South Africa Black and White,
Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1986 390 NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 3256
Magubane, Bernard: Politik og historie i Sor-Afrika. FNs informationskøntor for de nordiske lande,
Kobenhavn, 1986 41 NAI
Moorsom, Richard: Sanctions against South Africa: statistics on South Africas external economic relations and related matters,
Oxford, 1986 75 NAI
AI: South Africa: Imprisonment under the pass laws, Amnesty International, London,
1986 105 NAI Huvudkatalogen: 3308, hes /53, kun contents,
Moorsom, Richard: The scope for sanctions. Economic measures against South Africa, Catholic Institute for International Relations, London, 1986 105 NAI
Commins, Stephen K. (ed.): Africas development challenges and the World Bank: hard qustions, costly choices, Conference held at UCLA Nov. 1986, Boulder, Colorado, 1986 243 NAI
UN: Namibia. Perspectives for National Reconstruction and Development United Nations Institute for Namibia, Luzaka, Zambia, 1986 1008 NAI

Centre of African Studies dossier (33.80), An analysis of recent disinvestments from SA by multinat. corp. Maputo, 1986 (dec.)  
Simon, David / Moorsom, Richard: Namibias political economy: a contemporary perspective, Paper pres. at the conference on The SA Econ. After Apartheid, University of York, 1986 (sept) 13 York
Simon, David: Noose or lifeline? The role of transport in independent Namibia. Paper presented at the conference on The SA Economy After Aparth. University of York, 1986 (sept) 33 York
Hanlon, Joseph / Omond, Roger: The sanctions handbook,
Penguin Books, 1987 399 NAI
Hayes, J.P.: Economic Effects of Santion on South Africa,
Trade Policy Research Centre, London, 1987 100 RU:s.1.s. 339. 98
Thomsen, Erik Risbjerg: ANC 1912 - 1987. Kampen fortsætter,
Sydafrikakommiteen i Kbh, 1987 40 hes,

Vad er Unita. Afrikagrupperna i Sverige, Stockholm, 1987 3 NAI,

Mot apartheid!: en bok om motståndet, Arbeterrörelsens Internationelle Centrum, AIC, Stockholm, 1987 72 NAI,
CIS: Buying time in South Africa. Counter Information Services, a Transnational Institute affiliate Anti report No. 21, Pluto Press, London, 1987 60 hes /53
Barratt, C. John A.: Can external leverage pressure South Africa. Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 16 KB: el-88-999
Brand, Simon S.: How economic sanctions could cripple reform. Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 8 KB: el-88-999
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu G.: Discerning the disinvestment debate. Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 6 KB: el-88-999
Nickel, Herman: Will sanctions harm the oppressed or the oppressor? Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 10 KB: el-88-999
Suzman, Helen: The folly of economic sanctions. Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 8 KB: el-88-999
Tutu, Desmond: A plea for international sanctions. Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987 4 KB: el-88-999
IDAF: Fighting apartheid: a cartoon history, International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa / Unesco, London, 1987 75 hes /53, NAI
Thygesen, Peter / Kaarsholm, Preben / Larsen, Bjarne: Sydafrika - Stormlob mod Apartheid, Kontakt, 4/1986-87, MS, 1987 48 hes

Sanctions and South Africas neigbours. ODI Briefing Papers, Overseas Development Instute, Vol. 2, London, 1987 6 NAI

Namibia. The Economy. The Information Service, Dept. of Gov. Affairs, Windhoek, 1987   NAI

World Conference on Sanctions Against Racist South Africa, Unesco House; Paris 16-20 June 1986. UN, New York, 1987 152 hes /53 NAI
Bjurner, Anders: FN og Sydafrika, Vældspolitikkens dagsfråger, (6/87), Stockholm, 1987   KB: elt-va
Davis, Stephen M.: Apartheids rebels. Inside South Africas hidden war, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1987 235 hes /54, NAI

Sanctions against South Africa: the peacefull alternative to violent change,
United Nations, New York, 1988 201 KB: UN-88-98, NAI
Andersson, Herman: Vi marscherer mot Pretoria! En bok om fackföreningar i Sydafrika och Namibia,
Isolera Sydafrika Kommitten, Stockholm, 1988 144 NAI
Bethlehem, Ronald William: Economics in a revolutionary society: sanctions and the transformation of South Africa,
Craighall, Johannesburg, 1988 367 NAI, UCT
Odén, Bertil: Sydafrika i Södre Afrika. Ny Udg.,
NAI, Uppsala, 1988 138 hes
Thomashausen, André E.A.M.: Afviklingen af apartheid: resultatet af reformerne 1978-88,
Kontrast, Værlose, 1988 34
Westcott, Shauna: The Trial of the Thirteen,
Black Sash, Mowbray, 1988 94 NAI
Edward I. Steinhart, South African Labour and International Support, African Studies Review, Vol. 31, No. 2. (Sep., 1988), pp. 17-33,

hes t 55
Leonardsson, Kristoffer: Apartheid, Afrikagrupperne i Sverige / Isolera Sydafrika kommitten., Stokholm, 1988 105 hes /53, kun contents, NAI
ANC: United action for peoples power, ANC message to the people of SA from the NEC, 8/1,
1988 17 hes /52, NAI
Weinberger, G.: Monopole, Sanktionen und Antiapartheidkampf. Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika, 16,1, Berlin-DDR, 1988 9 hes /46
Boles, Elizabeth: The West and South Africa. Myths, Interests and Policy Options. Atlantic Paper, (No. 67), The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, 1988 79 KB: elt-at
Kühne, Winrich: A 1988 update on Soviet relations with Pretoria, the ANC and SACP, CSIS Africa Notes, Cen. for Strt. and Int. stud., Wasington D.C., (Vol. 89), 1988 8 NAI

SWA / Namibia Today. Department of Govermental Affairs, Windhoek, 1988   NAI
Lipton, Merle: Sanctions and South Africa. The dynamics of economic isolation, Economist Intelligence Unit, The, Special Report, No. 1119, London, 1988 169 hes /53, kun contents, NAI

Apartheids Violence against Children. Konf. in Harara sept. 1987. Fact Paper on Southern Africa, IDAF, London, (No. 15), 1988 48 NAI
Ginwala, Frene: The Case for Sanctions. Fra: Lonsdale ed.: SA in Question. London, 1988 15
Forster, Don / Davis, Dennis / Sandler, Diane: Detention and Torture in South Africa, James Currey, London, 1988 256 NAI
Wood, Brian (ed.): Namibia 1884 - 1984. Readings on Namibias history and Society. Namibia Support Committee / UN Institute for Namibia, Third World Publications, London, 1988 800 NAI
Commonwealth: Nassau Declaration of the Commonwealth Heads of Government, Oktober 1985., Indeholdt i; Suckling/White: After Apartheid. London, 1988  
Morehead, Caroline: Namibia. Apartheids forgotten children. Oxfam, Oxford, 1988 56 NAI
Hermele, Kenneth / Odén, Bertil: Sanktions Dilemmas. Some implications of economic sanctions against South Africa, SIAS Discussion Paper 1, NAI, Uppsala, 1988 43 NAI
Brittain, Victoria / Minty, Abdul S. (eds.): Children of Resistance. On Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa. Statements from the Harara conference on Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa. Kliptown Books / IDAF, London, 1988 156 NAI

United Nation Special Committee against Apartheid: Twenty-fiwe years of commitment to elimination of apartheid in South Africa, United Nations, New York, 1988 39 NAI

Namiba. The Facts. IDAF, London, 1988 / 1980 112 NAI
Makhoere, Caesarina Kona: No childs play. In prison under apartheid. The Womens Press, London, 1988-89?   NAI

Hjertets farve: Born og unge tegner og skriver om apartheid,
Kbh.: Amandla/SAK, 1989 48 SAK
ANC: Mass action for peoples power! Let the spirit of defiance characterise our mass actions for the transfer of power to the people,
Statement of the NEC of the ANC, 77 annv, 8/1, 1989 7 hes /52, NAI
De Villiers, Les: Doing business with South Africa,
New Canaan, Conn., 1989 239 UB1: FI8-A1508
Gjedde-Nielsen, Flemming: Portene til lærdom skal åbnes: Kampen om uddannelse i Sydafrika,
Amandla/WUS, Kobenhavn, 1989 30 hes /76, KB: DA8-A3631.
Hanlon, Joseph: SADCC and Sanctions.
ICDA, Brussel, 1989 40 NAI
Henderson, Lisbeth (ed.): Konflikt i kirken: om befrielsesteologi og kirke i Latinamerika og Sydafrika,
Anis, Århus, 1989 159
Leonardsson, Kristoffer: Bortom apartheid.
Utbildningsförlaget Brevskolan, Stockholm, 1989 109 NAI
Meli, Francis: South Africa belong to us. A History of the ANC,
Zimbabwe Publ. House / Indiana University Press / James Currey, London, 1989 258 CAS, RUB: s1,s325.8Mel,b., Carolina, NAI Huvudkatalogen: 1402
Mutambirwa, James (prep. by): South Africa: the sanctions mission: report of the Eminent Church Persons Group,
World Council of Churches, Geneva, 1989 135 Unok: XVI2
Venter, D.J.: South Africa, sanctions and the multinationals.
Carden, Chichester, 1989 234 KB: US8-C1512
Vladimir Shubin (under pen name, Vladimir Bushin), Social Democracy and Southern Africa,
Moscow, 1989

Clara (anonym): Feminism and the struggle for national liberation, African Communist, No. 118, London, 1989 6 hes
Tvedten, Inge: The War in Angola: Internal Conditions for Peace and Recovery, Current African Issues, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, (No. 7.), NAI, Uppsala, 1989 14 hes, NAI
Christopher Bo Bramsen, Sydafrika. Kamp eller dialog? Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Instituts Skrifter, nr. 15, Jurist- og okonomforbundets Forlag, Kobenhavn, 1989 351 hes, hes t 12, UBF: Per. 10350 8'
International Labour Conference 76th Session: Special Report of the Director-General on the Application of the Declaration concerning Action against apartheid in SA and Namibia International Labour Office, Geneva, 1989 150 LSA
Tjønneland, Elling Njål: PAX Pretoria - the Fall of Apartheid and the Politics of Regional, Destabilisation, NAI, Uppsala, 1989 34 hes
IDAF: Review of 1988: repression and resistance in South Africa and Namibia, Fact Paper on Southern Africa, Vol. 16, International Aid and Defence Fund, London, 1989 39 NAI
Cardoso, Carlos: Apartheids tapte krig: militarismens nederlag i Sor-Afrika. Fællesrådet for det sorlige Afrika, Oslo, 1989 22 NAI
Speed, Jan: Amandla: Sor-Afrika i 1980-årene, Fellesrådet for det sorlige Afrika. 2. opl., Oslo, 1989 32
Larsen, Kirsten Lund (ed.): I front mod apartheid, Folkekirkens nodhjælp, Kobenhavn, 1989 47 UB1: 98.48
Tikhomirov, V.I.: South Africa: Is a Political Settlement Possible? (17/1), Issue. A journal of Opinion, African Studies Association, Haverford College, Pensylvania, 1989 3 hes /57, NAI
Landgren, Signe: Embargo disimplemented: South Africas military industry, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Oxford University Press, 1989 276 KB: US8-B7394, UnCFK:Y 1220
Görensson, Peter / Wall, Håkan: Shell smörjer apartheid: vad döljer sig bakom skalet?
ISAK, Stockholm, 1989 (2opl) 28
Llanes, M.M. / Polledo, D.H.: Working Class Development in South Africa, Tricontinental, (No. 121/1) Teoretical Organ Execut.Sekr.Org.of Solid.,Havana, 1989 (jan.) 10 hes /57, NAI
SAASC/ANC: Joint commuique of the Soviet Afro-Asia Solidarity Committee and the African National Congress, African National Congress,
1989 (mar.) 1 hes /52, NAI

Southern Africa Report (Vol. 4. No. 5) Toronto Committee for Liberation of Southern Afri. 1989 (may) 30 NAI

Nyt Sydafrika, nyhedsbrev, ANCs Informationskøntor i Kobenhavn, 1989-  

Förbud mot tjenestehandel med Sydafrika m.m.: betänkande avsydafrika kommitten, Utrikesdepartementet,
Stockholm, 1990   KB: US8-C2697
Gorm Gunnarsen, Denne nat vil svinde. Folkelig modstand i Sydafrika 1960-1990,
Forlaget Amandla, København, 1990 144 hes
Mark N. Katz (ed.), The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World,
Cambridge University Press, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1990
McCormack, Dewar: Sydafrika - mediebilleder eller virkelighed?: en appel til den sunde fornuft.
Oversættelse: Jorgen Parning., Kontrast, Værlose, 1990 139  
Independent Expert Study Group (Hanlon, J. ed.): South Africa: the sanctions report: documents and statistics. Commenwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers, Commonwealth Secr./James Currey, London, 1990 352 KB
Independent Expert Study Group: South Africa: the sanctions report: document and statistics... Prep. for Commonwelth Comm. of Foreign Ministres, London: Commonwealth Secretariat/James Currey, 1990 342 KB: US8-C6289

Mayibuye, Journal of the African National Congress, ANC, Marshalltown, 1990- 40 SAK, NAI
Hermele, Kenneth, End of the Road: Swedish Social Democracy and Third World Solidarity, Adjustment Models and Adjustment Politics, 4.
1991 28 CDR: Conference Box 60, B1367
Devon Pillay, The end of a Dream? Social Movements and the New South Africa, Democracy, popular precedents, practice, cculture, History Workshop, University of the Witwatersrand, 1994 24 hes t 63
Samoff, Joel: Contested transitions: a review of Swedish support to the education of South Africans, Samoff Services, SIDA, 1994
Danida, Evaluation Report. The Danish Special Programme to Support Projects through the African National Congress. South Africa, Serie: Danida - Evalueringer, Danida, 1994 120

Die Zukunft der Solidaritätsbewegung : Tema, Internationale Solidarität, Blätter Des Iz3w : 201, s. 23-46,
Nielsen, Lene (red.): U-vejviser 1995. U-landsaktiviteter i Danmark,
Kobenhavn, Mellemfolkeligt Ssamvirke, 1995 125 MS: HB 06.327 UV
Southall, Roger: Imperialism or Solidarity. International Labour and South African Trade Unions,
Cape Town: UCT Press, 1995
Smith, Jackie, Charles Chatfield and Ron Pagnucco (eds.), "Social Movements and World Politics: A Theoretical Framework", pp. 59-80, In Smith, Jackie, Charles Chatfield & Ron Pagnucco, Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997

Ralph Rotte, Michael Vogler & Klaus F. Zimmermann, South-North Refugee Migration: Lessons for Development Cooperation, Review of Development Economics Vol. 1, February 1997, p.99,

web: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/1467-9361.00008
Desmond McNeill (teamleader), Eduardo Archetti, Rie Odgaard, Nancy Frank, Evaluation of the Nordic Africa Institute, Evaluation Report 8.97, Oslo: The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October 1997

Hans-Georg Schleicher & Ilona Schleicher, Special flights to southern Africa,
Harare: SAPES,

Keck, Margeret E. & Kathryn Sikkink: Activists beyond Borders. Advocacy Networks in International Politics,
Ithaca, NJ: Cornell University Press, 1998
hes t 60
Periodical: Sydafrika, temanummer, Nr. 1, februar, Udvikling, Kbh., Danida, 1998 39 CAS, hes
Sellström, Tor (ed.): Liberation in Southern Africa - Regional and Swedish Voices: Interviews from Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the Frontline and Sweden,
Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, 1999
Sellström, Tor: Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa: Volume 1: Formation of a Popular Opinion (1950-1970),
Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, 1999 542 hes
Shubin, Vladimir: The ANC: a view from Moscow,
Cape Town: Mayibuye Books, 1999 420 NAI: Sy Shu
Soiri and Pekka Peltola: Finland and National Liberation in Southern Africa,
Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, 1999
Stefan de Boer, From Sharpeville to Soweto: Dutch Government Policy towards Apartheid, 1960-1977,
Netherlands Archives Committee, 1999
Hearn, Julie: Foreign Aid, Democratisation and Civil Society: A study of South Africa, Ghana and Uganda, Diskussion Paper, 386, IDS, Sussex, 1999 31 NAI
Alberto Ribeiro-Kabulu, Reflections on the Nordic research project in the wider context of Southern African studies, in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, 1999 5 hes t 31
Lindiwe Mabuza, Nordic solidarity with ANC, in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, 1999 5 hes t 34
Raymond Suttner, Response South Africa, in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, 1999 5 hes t 31
Strobel, Margaret Becoming a Historian, Being an Activist, and Thinking Archivally: Documents and Memory as Sources Journal of Women's History - Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 1999, pp. 181-192 The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999
Cole, Josette and Bertil Högberg (eds.), Review of the Swedish support to the land organisations in South Africa,
[Stockholm?], Afrikagrupperna i Sverige / Styrelsen för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete 1999
NAI (Tor Sellström ed.): Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999,
Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999?
hes, NAI
Eriksen, Tore Linné (ed.): Norway and National Liberation in Southern Africa,
Nordic Africa Institute, 2000
hes, NAI
John A. Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald (eds.), Globalizations and social movements: culture, power, and the transnational public sphere,
Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, 2000 418 KB. hes t 60
Rhodes, David Lawrence, The anti-apartheid movement in Britain,

2000 95 Oxford: Rhodes House RHO Stack
Gurney, Christabel (ed.): (Authors: Shula Marks, Abdul Minty, Cheryl Carolus, Kader Asmal, William Beinart et al.), The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective,

Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999 London, AAM Archives Committee, 2000 86 hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html
Marks, Shula, 'Half-ally, half-untouchable at the same time': Britain and South Africa since 1959,
Gurney, Christabel (ed.), The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective, Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999, London, AAM Archives Committee, 2000 86 hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html
Asmal, Kader, Making hope and history rhyme,

Gurney, Christabel (ed.), The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective, Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999, London, AAM Archives Committee, 2000 86 hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html
Seidman, Gay W., Adjusting the Lens: What do Globalizations, Transnationalism and the Anti-Apartheid Movement Mean for Social Movement Theory? In John A. Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald (eds.),Globalizations and social movements: culture, power, and the transnational public sphere, Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, 2000 18 KB Fiol: ET Glob, hes
Switzer, Les and Mohamed adhikari (eds.): South Africa's Resistance Press. Alternative Voices in the Last Generation Under Apartheid, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Africa Series No. 74,
2000 505 hes
Christensen, Steen: Mod undertrykkelse - for frihed: Socialdemokratiet og befrielsesbevægelseme i Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien efter 1945, DEN PERMANENTE UDFORDRING, Fremad/AB 2001 358 IB: 91.94
van der Heyden, Ulrich, Standpunkte, Hintergründe und Diskussionen zum Für und Wider
der Beseitigung der Afrikawissenschaften aus der DDR,
hochschule ost 1/01, leipziger beiträge zu hochschule & wissenschaft, pp. 171-201,
Web fulltext http://www.peer-pasternack.de/texte/abweichungen%20-%20gesamt.pdf
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