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Author | Title | Source | Publisher | Year | Pages | Library web |
For more titles | search my online | database LitSA. | Seek in the field | Key Word | on | International solidarity. |
ANC Archives at University of Fort Hare. ANC Scandinavian Mission RECORDS (1954-1994) Bulk Dates 1980-1993 99 Boxes |
http://www.ufh.ac.za/collections/Library/ANC_Materials/ScandinavianM.htm | |||||
ANC links to Anti-Apartheid movements | Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/ | |||||
O'Malley - "The Heart of Hope - South Africa's Transition from Apartheid to Democracy | http://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv00000.htm | |||||
Revisionsrapport om svensk kulturbistand? | ||||||
The African Activist Archive Project | http://africanactivist.msu.edu | |||||
Claus Kjersgaard Nielsen (ed.), | Historier om dansk udviklingsbistand, | Anml: http://www.historie-online.dk/nyt/bogfeature/jyske_historiker_120.htm | ||||
Different authors, | Papers from NAIs Africa Days 2007, especially papers from the group: Exploring the Roots of the Nordic Colonial Mind, | NAI. | ||||
Richard Knight, | Documenting the U.S. Solidarity Movement - With reflections on the sanctions and divestment campaigns, |
Web: http://richardknight.homestead.com/files/aaapdurban2004.htm | ||||
Afrikabulletinen, | Organ for Afrikagrupperna, Sverige | 30 | NAI | |||
Afrikainformasjon | Fellesrådet for det sörlige Afrika, Norge | 25 | NAI | |||
Amandla, | Landskomiteen Sydafrikaaktion, Kbh. | |||||
Anti-Apartheid Womens Newsletter, | AAM Womens Committee, London | 10 | NAI | |||
Cikaden, | IBIS(WUS) og IF, Kbh. | |||||
Björn Beckman, | Conference paper | |||||
Mai Palmberg, | "The Struggle for Africa" revisited: reflections on the history writing by the solidarity movement, | Conference paper, Durban 2004, | ||||
FN-orientering, | FN-forbundet | |||||
IF-blad for international solidaritet | IF, Kbh | |||||
International Horisont, | AIC / Socialdemokratiet | |||||
King Institute inauguration, anti-apartheid symposium to honor MLK legacy |
Konference, Stanford University, | http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2006/january11/mlk-011106.html | ||||
Periodical, | Kontakt, | Kbh.: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, | ||||
Mwalimu. Afrikagruppernas skolbulletin, | 25 | NAI | ||||
Notes and Documents, | UN, Centre Against Apartheid, New York, | CDR | ||||
Klein, Genevieve, | The British Anti-Apartheid Movement: Publicising the African National Congress, | Paper for AEGIS European Conference on African Studies 11 - 14 July 2007, African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, |
Terry Crawford-Browne, | Arms Deal Scandal, | Review of African Political Economy - Vol. 31 No. 100 (June 2004), pp. 329-342, | CAS, hes t 21 download, KB: elt-re / Web: Online | |||
Rapport / papers, | Seminarium om Afrika-strategi-papers 26 November 2007 i Uppsala, Sverige, | NAI, | ||||
Margaret Lenta, | History effaced: the International Defence and Aid Letters (pp.203-215), |
Social Dynamics, Volume 34, Issue 2, (pp.203-215) | Journal of the Centre for African Studies at the University of Cape Town, | |||
Collection African Labour History | The International Institute of Social History (IISH) | http://www.iisg.nl/archives/ | ||||
Periodical: | Udkig, | MS, Kbh., | ||||
Af Torben Estermann, Woza redaktionen | Kina i Afrika. TEMA: Privatisering, | Woza, | SAKs hjemmeside, | Web: http://www.sydafrika.dk/ | ||
Feit, Edward: | South Africa: The Dynamics of the African National Congress, | Institute of Race Relations, London, | London: Oxford University Press, | 1962 | 73 | KB: hæ-63-164 |
Brooks, Alan K.: | From Class Struggle to National Struggle. The Communist Party of South Africa, 1940-1950, | MA, University of Sussex, | 1967 | 121 | Unatal: 329.968 theses lib | |
Minty, Abdul S.: | Sydafrika, | Imperialist Serien, 9, | Demos, Kbh, | 1972 | 56 | hes |
Rubin, Leslie (Prep. by): | Apartheid in Practice. | United Nations Unit on Apartheid. | New York, | 1976 | 47 | NAI |
Kalley, Jacqueline A.: | Pressure on Pretoria: sanctions, boycotts and the divestment - | disinvestment issue, 1964-1988. select, annotated bibliography. | South African Institute of International Affairs, | 1976, John. | 299 | NAI |
A landmark in the Struggle Against Apartheid. | World Conference against Apartheid, Lagos 1977. | World Peace Council, Helsinki, | 1977 | 32 | NAI | |
Beckman, Björn, | Aid and Foreign Investment: The Swedish Case, | Uppsala University Press, | 1978 | NAI | ||
Brade, Klaus: | Südafrika. Apartheid. | Illustrierte Historische Hefte no. 12. | Centralinstitut für Geschichte der Akademie der Wi | 1978 , Ber. | 43 | hes |
Martin Legassick, | British Capitalism, Sanctions against South Africa, and the Labour Movement, |
Conference Paper 7. Anti-Apartheid Movement Conference on Sanctionsagainst South Africa, London, June, | 1979 | |||
Seidman, Ann / Makgetla, Neva: | Outpost of monopoly Capitalism: Southern Africa in the Global Economy, | London, | 1980 | 370 | KB: el-87-178 | |
Seidman, Judy: | Facelift Apartheid. South Africa After Soweto, | IDAF, London, | 1980 | 87 | hes /16 + KB: el-86-550 | |
Wangel, Arne / Tang, Erik / Weigelt, Peter: | Namibia. Undertrykkelse og frihedskamp, | MS, Kbh, | 1981 | 84 | hes | |
Akeroyd, Anne / Ansprenger, F./ Hermle, R./ Hill,: | European Business and South Africa: | An Appraisal of the EEC-Code of Conduct, | München, | 1981 | 257 | KB: el-83-911 |
Nielsen, Jens Jørgen: | Angola efter selvstændigheden, | Historisk Revy, Kbh., | 1982 | 140 | hes | |
Eriksen, Tore Linné: | Namibia. Kolonialisme, apartheid og frigjoringskamp i det sorlige Afrika, | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, | Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, | 1982 | 251 | hes |
Total war in South Africa. Militarisation and the apartheid state, | NUSAS, | 1982 | 85 | hes /53, kun contents, NAI | ||
Skafte, Ulrik T.: | Apartheidregistrant: et bibliografiskt hjælpmiddel til informati- | onssøgning om apartheid og situationen i Sydafrika, | Landskommiteen Sydafrika-aktion, Aalborg, | 1982 | 95 | NAI, KB: OK-86/9-læsesal |
Plaut, Martin / Ward, David: | Black Trade Unions in South Africa. | Spokesman Phamflet, 82, | Nottingham, | 1982 | 31 | NAI |
Lyby, Erik / Jensen, Ole / Ågård, Mads ed.: | Amandla! Maatla! - Sydafrika skal blive vort! | Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Århus, | 1983 | 84 | hes | |
Davidson, Basil: | Sydafrika och omvärlden. | Tiden/AIC, Stockholm, | 1984 | 50 | NAI | |
Graf, Herbert / Joseph, Detlef: | Volksrepublik Mocambique. Werden und Wachsen eines jungen Staates | Staatsverlag der DDR, Berlin-DDR, | 1984 | 285 | hes | |
Norsk Sor-Afrika-politik, | Aktuelle utenrigspolitiske sporsmål, | (26), Det Kong. Udenriksdepartement, Oslo, | 1984 | 37 | NAI | |
Danaher, Kevin: | In Whose interest?: a guide to US-South African relations. | Institute for Policy Studies, | Wasington D.C., | 1984 | NAI | |
Hammer, Jørgen: | Angola i krigens skygge, | Msdebat, | Kbh, | 1984 | 56 | hes |
Booth, Douglas: | Black liberation politics: Analysis of political processes in KwaZulu-Natal, | Working Paper, Vol. 8, | Rural Urban Studies Unit, University of Natal, Durban, | 1984 | 22 | NAI, hes /50 |
Trade Unions against Apartheid; proceedings of a Symposium to eva | luate the ICFTU programme of of action in support...19-20/1-1984. | International Confederation of Free T.U.,Brussel, | 1984? | 74 | NAI | |
Jaster, Robert S.: | South Africa in Namibia: The Botha Strategy. | Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, | Boston, | 1985 | 114 | NAI |
Spray, Paul: | Namibia: Redusing Dependence on South Africa. | Pap.Pres at sem. on Dependency Relations...Uppsala 10-12/4 - 1985 | NAI, Uppsala, | 1985 | 15 | NAI |
Davies, Robert H.: | South African Strategy Towards Mozambique in the Post-Nkomati | Period. A Critical Analysis of Effects and Implications. | Uppsala, Pap. Pres. at sem. 10-12/4 - 1985. | 1985 ? | 36 | NAI |
Sydafrikakomiteen i Kobenhavn: | UDF - Fællesfront mod Apartheid, | (Opr: Afrikagrupperne i Sverige; UDF - Ny front mot Apartheid), | SAKK., | 1985 (1984) | 53 | hes |
United States Anti-Apartheid Newsletter, | American Friends Service Committee, | Philadelphia, | 1985- | NAI | ||
Lelyveld, Joseph: | Move Your Shadow, South Africa Black and White, | Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers, | 1986 | 390 | NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 3256 | |
Magubane, Bernard: | Politik og historie i Sor-Afrika. FNs informationskøntor for de nordiske lande, | Kobenhavn, | 1986 | 41 | NAI | |
Moorsom, Richard: | Sanctions against South Africa: statistics on South Africas external economic relations and related matters, | Oxford, | 1986 | 75 | NAI | |
AI: | South Africa: Imprisonment under the pass laws, | Amnesty International, London, | 1986 | 105 | NAI Huvudkatalogen: 3308, hes /53, kun contents, | |
Moorsom, Richard: | The scope for sanctions. Economic measures against South Africa, | Catholic Institute for International Relations, | London, | 1986 | 105 | NAI |
Commins, Stephen K. (ed.): | Africas development challenges and the World Bank: hard qustions, costly choices, | Conference held at UCLA Nov. 1986, | Boulder, Colorado, | 1986 | 243 | NAI |
UN: | Namibia. Perspectives for National Reconstruction and Development | United Nations Institute for Namibia, | Luzaka, Zambia, | 1986 | 1008 | NAI |
Centre of African Studies dossier (33.80), | An analysis of recent disinvestments from SA by multinat. corp. | Maputo, | 1986 (dec.) | |||
Simon, David / Moorsom, Richard: | Namibias political economy: a contemporary perspective, | Paper pres. at the conference on The SA Econ. After Apartheid, | University of York, | 1986 (sept) | 13 | York |
Simon, David: | Noose or lifeline? The role of transport in independent Namibia. | Paper presented at the conference on The SA Economy After Aparth. | University of York, | 1986 (sept) | 33 | York |
Hanlon, Joseph / Omond, Roger: | The sanctions handbook, | Penguin Books, | 1987 | 399 | NAI | |
Hayes, J.P.: | Economic Effects of Santion on South Africa, | Trade Policy Research Centre, London, | 1987 | 100 | RU:s.1.s. 339. 98 | |
Thomsen, Erik Risbjerg: | ANC 1912 - 1987. Kampen fortsætter, | Sydafrikakommiteen i Kbh, | 1987 | 40 | hes, | |
Vad er Unita. | Afrikagrupperna i Sverige, | Stockholm, | 1987 | 3 | NAI, | |
Mot apartheid!: en bok om motståndet, | Arbeterrörelsens Internationelle Centrum, | AIC, Stockholm, | 1987 | 72 | NAI, | |
CIS: | Buying time in South Africa. | Counter Information Services, a Transnational Institute affiliate | Anti report No. 21, Pluto Press, London, | 1987 | 60 | hes /53 |
Barratt, C. John A.: | Can external leverage pressure South Africa. | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 16 | KB: el-88-999 |
Brand, Simon S.: | How economic sanctions could cripple reform. | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 8 | KB: el-88-999 |
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu G.: | Discerning the disinvestment debate. | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 6 | KB: el-88-999 |
Nickel, Herman: | Will sanctions harm the oppressed or the oppressor? | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 10 | KB: el-88-999 |
Suzman, Helen: | The folly of economic sanctions. | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 8 | KB: el-88-999 |
Tutu, Desmond: | A plea for international sanctions. | Fra Sethi (ed.): The South African Quagmire, | Cambridge, Massachusetts, | 1987 | 4 | KB: el-88-999 |
IDAF: | Fighting apartheid: a cartoon history, | International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa / Unesco, | London, | 1987 | 75 | hes /53, NAI |
Thygesen, Peter / Kaarsholm, Preben / Larsen, Bjarne: | Sydafrika - Stormlob mod Apartheid, | Kontakt, 4/1986-87, | MS, | 1987 | 48 | hes |
Sanctions and South Africas neigbours. | ODI Briefing Papers, Overseas Development Instute, | Vol. 2, London, | 1987 | 6 | NAI | |
Namibia. The Economy. | The Information Service, Dept. of Gov. Affairs, | Windhoek, | 1987 | NAI | ||
World Conference on Sanctions Against Racist South Africa, | Unesco House; Paris 16-20 June 1986. | UN, New York, | 1987 | 152 | hes /53 NAI | |
Bjurner, Anders: | FN og Sydafrika, | Vældspolitikkens dagsfråger, (6/87), | Stockholm, | 1987 | KB: elt-va | |
Davis, Stephen M.: | Apartheids rebels. Inside South Africas hidden war, | Yale University Press, | New Haven and London, | 1987 | 235 | hes /54, NAI |
Sanctions against South Africa: the peacefull alternative to violent change, | United Nations, New York, | 1988 | 201 | KB: UN-88-98, NAI | ||
Andersson, Herman: | Vi marscherer mot Pretoria! En bok om fackföreningar i Sydafrika och Namibia, | Isolera Sydafrika Kommitten, Stockholm, | 1988 | 144 | NAI | |
Bethlehem, Ronald William: | Economics in a revolutionary society: sanctions and the transformation of South Africa, | Craighall, Johannesburg, | 1988 | 367 | NAI, UCT | |
Odén, Bertil: | Sydafrika i Södre Afrika. Ny Udg., | NAI, Uppsala, | 1988 | 138 | hes | |
Thomashausen, André E.A.M.: | Afviklingen af apartheid: resultatet af reformerne 1978-88, | Kontrast, Værlose, | 1988 | 34 | ||
Westcott, Shauna: | The Trial of the Thirteen, | Black Sash, Mowbray, | 1988 | 94 | NAI | |
Edward I. Steinhart, | South African Labour and International Support, | African Studies Review, Vol. 31, No. 2. (Sep., 1988), pp. 17-33, |
1988 | hes t 55 | ||
Leonardsson, Kristoffer: | Apartheid, | Afrikagrupperne i Sverige / Isolera Sydafrika kommitten., | Stokholm, | 1988 | 105 | hes /53, kun contents, NAI |
ANC: | United action for peoples power, | ANC message to the people of SA from the NEC, 8/1, | 1988 | 17 | hes /52, NAI | |
Weinberger, G.: | Monopole, Sanktionen und Antiapartheidkampf. | Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika, 16,1, | Berlin-DDR, | 1988 | 9 | hes /46 |
Boles, Elizabeth: | The West and South Africa. Myths, Interests and Policy Options. | Atlantic Paper, | (No. 67), The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, | 1988 | 79 | KB: elt-at |
Kühne, Winrich: | A 1988 update on Soviet relations with Pretoria, the ANC and SACP, | CSIS Africa Notes, | Cen. for Strt. and Int. stud., Wasington D.C., (Vol. 89), | 1988 | 8 | NAI |
SWA / Namibia Today. | Department of Govermental Affairs, | Windhoek, | 1988 | NAI | ||
Lipton, Merle: | Sanctions and South Africa. The dynamics of economic isolation, | Economist Intelligence Unit, The, Special Report, | No. 1119, London, | 1988 | 169 | hes /53, kun contents, NAI |
Apartheids Violence against Children. Konf. in Harara sept. 1987. | Fact Paper on Southern Africa, | IDAF, London, (No. 15), | 1988 | 48 | NAI | |
Ginwala, Frene: | The Case for Sanctions. | Fra: Lonsdale ed.: SA in Question. | London, | 1988 | 15 | |
Forster, Don / Davis, Dennis / Sandler, Diane: | Detention and Torture in South Africa, | James Currey, | London, | 1988 | 256 | NAI |
Wood, Brian (ed.): | Namibia 1884 - 1984. Readings on Namibias history and Society. | Namibia Support Committee / UN Institute for Namibia, | Third World Publications, London, | 1988 | 800 | NAI |
Commonwealth: | Nassau Declaration of the Commonwealth Heads of Government, | Oktober 1985., Indeholdt i; Suckling/White: After Apartheid. | London, | 1988 | ||
Morehead, Caroline: | Namibia. Apartheids forgotten children. | Oxfam, | Oxford, | 1988 | 56 | NAI |
Hermele, Kenneth / Odén, Bertil: | Sanktions Dilemmas. Some implications of economic sanctions against South Africa, | SIAS Discussion Paper 1, | NAI, Uppsala, | 1988 | 43 | NAI |
Brittain, Victoria / Minty, Abdul S. (eds.): | Children of Resistance. On Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa. | Statements from the Harara conference on Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa. | Kliptown Books / IDAF, London, | 1988 | 156 | NAI |
United Nation Special Committee against Apartheid: Twenty-fiwe | years of commitment to elimination of apartheid in South Africa, | United Nations, New York, | 1988 | 39 | NAI | |
Namiba. The Facts. | IDAF, | London, | 1988 / 1980 | 112 | NAI | |
Makhoere, Caesarina Kona: | No childs play. In prison under apartheid. | The Womens Press, | London, | 1988-89? | NAI | |
Hjertets farve: Born og unge tegner og skriver om apartheid, | Kbh.: Amandla/SAK, | 1989 | 48 | SAK | ||
ANC: | Mass action for peoples power! Let the spirit of defiance characterise our mass actions for the transfer of power to the people, | Statement of the NEC of the ANC, 77 annv, 8/1, | 1989 | 7 | hes /52, NAI | |
De Villiers, Les: | Doing business with South Africa, | New Canaan, Conn., | 1989 | 239 | UB1: FI8-A1508 | |
Gjedde-Nielsen, Flemming: | Portene til lærdom skal åbnes: Kampen om uddannelse i Sydafrika, | Amandla/WUS, Kobenhavn, | 1989 | 30 | hes /76, KB: DA8-A3631. | |
Hanlon, Joseph: | SADCC and Sanctions. | ICDA, Brussel, | 1989 | 40 | NAI | |
Henderson, Lisbeth (ed.): | Konflikt i kirken: om befrielsesteologi og kirke i Latinamerika og Sydafrika, | Anis, Århus, | 1989 | 159 | ||
Leonardsson, Kristoffer: | Bortom apartheid. | Utbildningsförlaget Brevskolan, Stockholm, | 1989 | 109 | NAI | |
Meli, Francis: | South Africa belong to us. A History of the ANC, | Zimbabwe Publ. House / Indiana University Press / James Currey, London, | 1989 | 258 | CAS, RUB: s1,s325.8Mel,b., Carolina, NAI Huvudkatalogen: 1402 | |
Mutambirwa, James (prep. by): | South Africa: the sanctions mission: report of the Eminent Church Persons Group, | World Council of Churches, Geneva, | 1989 | 135 | Unok: XVI2 | |
Venter, D.J.: | South Africa, sanctions and the multinationals. | Carden, Chichester, | 1989 | 234 | KB: US8-C1512 | |
Vladimir Shubin (under pen name, Vladimir Bushin), | Social Democracy and Southern Africa, | Moscow, | 1989 | |||
Clara (anonym): | Feminism and the struggle for national liberation, | African Communist, No. 118, | London, | 1989 | 6 | hes |
Tvedten, Inge: | The War in Angola: Internal Conditions for Peace and Recovery, | Current African Issues, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, | (No. 7.), NAI, Uppsala, | 1989 | 14 | hes, NAI |
Christopher Bo Bramsen, | Sydafrika. Kamp eller dialog? | Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Instituts Skrifter, | nr. 15, Jurist- og okonomforbundets Forlag, Kobenhavn, | 1989 | 351 | hes, hes t 12, UBF: Per. 10350 8' |
International Labour Conference 76th Session: | Special Report of the Director-General on the Application of the | Declaration concerning Action against apartheid in SA and Namibia | International Labour Office, Geneva, | 1989 | 150 | LSA |
Tjønneland, Elling Njål: | PAX Pretoria - the Fall of Apartheid and the Politics of Regional, | Destabilisation, | NAI, Uppsala, | 1989 | 34 | hes |
IDAF: | Review of 1988: repression and resistance in South Africa and Namibia, | Fact Paper on Southern Africa, Vol. 16, | International Aid and Defence Fund, London, | 1989 | 39 | NAI |
Cardoso, Carlos: | Apartheids tapte krig: militarismens nederlag i Sor-Afrika. | Fællesrådet for det sorlige Afrika, | Oslo, | 1989 | 22 | NAI |
Speed, Jan: | Amandla: Sor-Afrika i 1980-årene, | Fellesrådet for det sorlige Afrika. | 2. opl., Oslo, | 1989 | 32 | |
Larsen, Kirsten Lund (ed.): | I front mod apartheid, | Folkekirkens nodhjælp, | Kobenhavn, | 1989 | 47 | UB1: 98.48 |
Tikhomirov, V.I.: | South Africa: Is a Political Settlement Possible? (17/1), | Issue. A journal of Opinion, | African Studies Association, Haverford College, Pensylvania, | 1989 | 3 | hes /57, NAI |
Landgren, Signe: | Embargo disimplemented: South Africas military industry, | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, | Oxford University Press, | 1989 | 276 | KB: US8-B7394, UnCFK:Y 1220 |
Görensson, Peter / Wall, Håkan: | Shell smörjer apartheid: vad döljer sig bakom skalet? | ISAK, Stockholm, | 1989 (2opl) | 28 | ||
Llanes, M.M. / Polledo, D.H.: | Working Class Development in South Africa, | Tricontinental, | (No. 121/1) Teoretical Organ Execut.Sekr.Org.of Solid.,Havana, | 1989 (jan.) | 10 | hes /57, NAI |
SAASC/ANC: | Joint commuique of the Soviet Afro-Asia Solidarity Committee and the African National Congress, | African National Congress, | 1989 (mar.) | 1 | hes /52, NAI | |
Southern Africa Report (Vol. 4. No. 5) | Toronto Committee for Liberation of Southern Afri. | 1989 (may) | 30 | NAI | ||
Nyt Sydafrika, nyhedsbrev, | ANCs Informationskøntor i Kobenhavn, | 1989- | ||||
Förbud mot tjenestehandel med Sydafrika m.m.: betänkande avsydafrika kommitten, Utrikesdepartementet, | Stockholm, | 1990 | KB: US8-C2697 | |||
Gorm Gunnarsen, | Denne nat vil svinde. Folkelig modstand i Sydafrika 1960-1990, | Forlaget Amandla, København, | 1990 | 144 | hes | |
Mark N. Katz (ed.), | The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World, | Cambridge University Press, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, | 1990 | http://books.google.dk/ | ||
McCormack, Dewar: | Sydafrika - mediebilleder eller virkelighed?: en appel til den sunde fornuft. | Oversættelse: Jorgen Parning., Kontrast, Værlose, | 1990 | 139 | ||
Independent Expert Study Group (Hanlon, J. ed.): | South Africa: the sanctions report: documents and statistics. | Commenwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers, | Commonwealth Secr./James Currey, London, | 1990 | 352 | KB |
Independent Expert Study Group: | South Africa: the sanctions report: document and statistics... | Prep. for Commonwelth Comm. of Foreign Ministres, | London: Commonwealth Secretariat/James Currey, | 1990 | 342 | KB: US8-C6289 |
Mayibuye, Journal of the African National Congress, | ANC, Marshalltown, | 1990- | 40 | SAK, NAI | ||
Hermele, Kenneth, | End of the Road: Swedish Social Democracy and Third World Solidarity, | Adjustment Models and Adjustment Politics, 4. | 1991 | 28 | CDR: Conference Box 60, B1367 | |
Devon Pillay, | The end of a Dream? Social Movements and the New South Africa, | Democracy, popular precedents, practice, cculture, | History Workshop, University of the Witwatersrand, | 1994 | 24 | hes t 63 |
Samoff, Joel: | Contested transitions: a review of Swedish support to the education of South Africans, | Samoff Services, | SIDA, | 1994 | NAI | |
Danida, | Evaluation Report. The Danish Special Programme to Support Projects through the African National Congress. South Africa, | Serie: Danida - Evalueringer, | Danida, | 1994 | 120 | |
Die Zukunft der Solidaritätsbewegung : Tema, Internationale Solidarität, | Blätter Des Iz3w : 201, s. 23-46, | 1994 | MS: TSS | |||
Nielsen, Lene (red.): | U-vejviser 1995. U-landsaktiviteter i Danmark, | Kobenhavn, Mellemfolkeligt Ssamvirke, | 1995 | 125 | MS: HB 06.327 UV | |
Southall, Roger: | Imperialism or Solidarity. International Labour and South African Trade Unions, | Cape Town: UCT Press, | 1995 | hes | ||
Smith, Jackie, Charles Chatfield and Ron Pagnucco (eds.), | "Social Movements and World Politics: A Theoretical Framework", pp. 59-80, | In Smith, Jackie, Charles Chatfield & Ron Pagnucco, Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics, | Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, | 1997 | ||
Ralph Rotte, Michael Vogler & Klaus F. Zimmermann, | South-North Refugee Migration: Lessons for Development Cooperation, | Review of Development Economics Vol. 1, February 1997, p.99, |
1997 | web: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/1467-9361.00008 | ||
Desmond McNeill (teamleader), Eduardo Archetti, Rie Odgaard, Nancy Frank, | Evaluation of the Nordic Africa Institute, | Evaluation Report 8.97, | Oslo: The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, October | 1997 | ||
Hans-Georg Schleicher & Ilona Schleicher, | Special flights to southern Africa, | Harare: SAPES, |
1998 | |||
Keck, Margeret E. & Kathryn Sikkink: | Activists beyond Borders. Advocacy Networks in International Politics, | Ithaca, NJ: Cornell University Press, | 1998 | hes t 60 | ||
Periodical: | Sydafrika, temanummer, Nr. 1, februar, | Udvikling, | Kbh., Danida, | 1998 | 39 | CAS, hes |
Sellström, Tor (ed.): | Liberation in Southern Africa - Regional and Swedish Voices: Interviews from Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the Frontline and Sweden, | Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, | 1999 | NAI | ||
Sellström, Tor: | Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa: Volume 1: Formation of a Popular Opinion (1950-1970), | Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, | 1999 | 542 | hes | |
Shubin, Vladimir: | The ANC: a view from Moscow, | Cape Town: Mayibuye Books, | 1999 | 420 | NAI: Sy Shu | |
Soiri and Pekka Peltola: | Finland and National Liberation in Southern Africa, | Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, | 1999 | NAI | ||
Stefan de Boer, | From Sharpeville to Soweto: Dutch Government Policy towards Apartheid, 1960-1977, | Netherlands Archives Committee, | 1999 | Leiden | ||
Hearn, Julie: | Foreign Aid, Democratisation and Civil Society: A study of South Africa, Ghana and Uganda, | Diskussion Paper, 386, | IDS, Sussex, | 1999 | 31 | NAI |
Alberto Ribeiro-Kabulu, | Reflections on the Nordic research project in the wider context of Southern African studies, | in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, | Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, | 1999 | 5 | hes t 31 |
Lindiwe Mabuza, | Nordic solidarity with ANC, | in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, | Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, | 1999 | 5 | hes t 34 |
Raymond Suttner, | Response South Africa, | in NAI (Tor Sellström ed.), Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, | Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, NAI, 1999, | 1999 | 5 | hes t 31 |
Strobel, Margaret | Becoming a Historian, Being an Activist, and Thinking Archivally: Documents and Memory as Sources | Journal of Women's History - Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 1999, pp. 181-192 | The Johns Hopkins University Press, | 1999 | http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_womens_history/v011/11.1strobel.pdf | |
Cole, Josette and Bertil Högberg (eds.), | Review of the Swedish support to the land organisations in South Africa, | [Stockholm?], Afrikagrupperna i Sverige / Styrelsen för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete | 1999 | NAI | ||
NAI (Tor Sellström ed.): | Report of the conference Nordic Solidarity with the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa, and Challenges for Democratic Partnerships into the 21st Century 11-14 February 1999, |
Organized by The Robben Island Museum, The Mayibuye Centre and The Nordic Africa Institute, | NAI, | 1999? | hes, NAI | |
Eriksen, Tore Linné (ed.): | Norway and National Liberation in Southern Africa, | Nordic Africa Institute, | 2000 | hes, NAI | ||
John A. Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald (eds.), | Globalizations and social movements: culture, power, and the transnational public sphere, | Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, | 2000 | 418 | KB. hes t 60 | |
Rhodes, David Lawrence, | The anti-apartheid movement in Britain, | 2000 | 95 | Oxford: Rhodes House RHO Stack | ||
Gurney, Christabel (ed.): (Authors: Shula Marks, Abdul Minty, Cheryl Carolus, Kader Asmal, William Beinart et al.), | The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective, |
Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999 | London, AAM Archives Committee, | 2000 | 86 | hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html |
Marks, Shula, | 'Half-ally, half-untouchable at the same time': Britain and South Africa since 1959, |
Gurney, Christabel (ed.), The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective, Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999, | London, AAM Archives Committee, | 2000 | 86 | hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html |
Asmal, Kader, | Making hope and history rhyme, |
Gurney, Christabel (ed.), The Anti-Apartheid Movement: A 40-year Perspective, Conference Report: South Africa House, London, 25-26 June 1999, | London, AAM Archives Committee, | 2000 | 86 | hes t 33 download fra Web: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/aam/symposium.html |
Seidman, Gay W., | Adjusting the Lens: What do Globalizations, Transnationalism and the Anti-Apartheid Movement Mean for Social Movement Theory? | In John A. Guidry, Michael D. Kennedy, and Mayer N. Zald (eds.),Globalizations and social movements: culture, power, and the transnational public sphere, | Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, | 2000 | 18 | KB Fiol: ET Glob, hes |
Switzer, Les and Mohamed adhikari (eds.): | South Africa's Resistance Press. Alternative Voices in the Last Generation Under Apartheid, | Ohio University Center for International Studies, Africa Series No. 74, | 2000 | 505 | hes | |
Christensen, Steen: | Mod undertrykkelse - for frihed: Socialdemokratiet og befrielsesbevægelseme i Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien efter 1945, | DEN PERMANENTE UDFORDRING, | Fremad/AB | 2001 | 358 | IB: 91.94 |
van der Heyden, Ulrich, | Standpunkte, Hintergründe und Diskussionen zum Für und Wider der Beseitigung der Afrikawissenschaften aus der DDR, |
hochschule ost 1/01, leipziger beiträge zu hochschule & wissenschaft, pp. 171-201, | 2001 | Web fulltext http://www.peer-pasternack.de/texte/abweichungen%20-%20gesamt.pdf | ||
Reinhart Kössler/Henning Melber, | Globale Solidarität? Eine Streitschrift, | Brandes & Aspel, Frankfurt am Main, | 2002 | hes | ||
Sellström, Tor: | Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa: Volume 2: Solidarity and Assisance 1970-1994, | Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, | 2002 | 912 | ||
Smith, Jackie and Johnston, Hank, | Globalization and resistance: transnational dimensions of social movements, | Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, | 2002 | 257 | KB Fiol: ET Glob | |
Møller, Bjørn: | "Civil Society Romanticism": A Sceptical View. Reflections on Håkan Thörn's Solidarity Across Borders, | Conference paper | 2002 | |||
Pekka Peltola: | Chronological list of Finnish solidarity events. | Conference paper | 2002 | 1 | ||
Thörn, Håkan: | Solidarity Across Borders. Perspectives on Anti-Apartheid as a global social movement, | Conference paper | 2002 | 8 | ||
Ian Taylor, | Neo-liberalism and Democracy: The Role of Intellectuals in South Africa's "Democratic Transition", | in Neocosmos, Michael, Suttner, Raymond and Ian Taylor (Compiled by Henning Melber), Political Cultures in Democratic South Africa, NAI Discussion Papers No 19, | NAI Discussion Papers No 19, | 2002 | NAI Web fulltext: http://www.nai.uu.se/publications/download.html/9171064982.pdf?id=24657 | |
Förslag till strategi för utvecklingssamarbetet med Sydafrika, | Sida, Stockholm, | 2003 | http://www.sida.se/Sida/jsp/ | |||
Andersen, | Frihandel er ikke nok, | MS, | 2003 | MS | ||
David Chidester, Phillip Dexter, Wilmot James (eds.), | What Holds Us Together: Social cohesion in South Africa, | HSRC Press, | 2003 | 366 | http://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/product.php?productid=2071&cat=17&page= | |
Lennart Wohlgemuth (Ed.), |
The Nordic Countries and Africa. Old and New Relations, |
NAI, | 2003 | 53 | NAI, hes t 33, | |
Maloka, Eddy, | The South African Communist Party in Exile, 1965-1990, | The Africa Institute of South Africa, | 2003 | 81 | Web fulltext SAHO | |
Morgenstierne, Christopher Munthe: | Denmark and National Liberation in Southern Africa. A Flexible Response, | Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, | 2003 | 140 | hes, NAI | |
Davidson, Apollon, Filatova, Irina, Gorodnov, Valentin, Johns Sheridan | South Africa and the Communist International. A Documentary History. Vol 1-2. Socialist Pilgrims to Bolshevik Footsoldiers 1919-1930, | Frank Cass, London, | 2003 | http://books.google.dk/ | ||
Elling N. Tjønneland and Pundy Pillay, | From Aid to Partnershipp: A joint review of Norwegian - South African development cooperation 1995-2001, | CMI Report R 2003:1, | 2003 | 114 | hes t 33 download fuldtekst pdf, http://www.cmi.no/public/2003/R2003-01.htm | |
Christopher Morgenstierne: | African Freedom Struggle - in Denmark, | Conference paper | 2003 | 9 | hes, hes t 31 | |
Heino, Timo-Erkki: | Finnish solidarity with South Africa: the one and only, | Conference paper | 2003 | 20 | ||
Kroglund, Nina Drolsum: | Norwegian Solidarity with the Liberation of Southern Africa, | Conference paper | 2003 | 14 | ||
Bond, Patrick, | South Africa and Global apartheid. Continental and International Policies and Politics, | Discussion paper 25, | NAI, | 2003 | NAI, hes t 55, hes 33, | |
Kathrine Toftkær Larney, Patrick Mac Manus, Gorm Gunnarsen og Morten Nielsen (red.), ( also has article by Stolten), | Aktivister mod Apartheid - Dansk Solidaritet med Sydafrika, |
København: Sydafrika Kontakt, | 2004 | hes; AKs website http://www.afrika.dk/tema-kampen-mod-apartheid-i-danmark; | ||
A. Van Rooy, | Activism's Bumper Decade, | Chapter 2 in The Global Legitimacy Game: Civil Society, Globalization, and Protest, | Basingstok/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, | 2004 | ||
Bangura, Abdul Karim, | Sweden vs Apartheid: Putting Morality Ahead of Profit, | Contemporary Perspectives on Developing Societies, | Aldershot Ashgate, | 2004 | 158 | KB: GCP MEP Bang, BL: m04/28148 DSC Request |
Stolten, Hans Erik, | Om solidaritetshistorie, | I Larney, Nielsen, Mac Manus, Gunnarsen (red.), Aktivister mod apartheid, | København, SAK, | 2004 | hes | |
Christabel Gurney, | 'A Great Cause': the Origins of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, June 1959-March 1960, | Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 26, Number 1, March 2000, Pages 123-144, | Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group | 2004 | ||
Hans Erik Stolten, | Competition and cooperation in the use of solidarity history in a globalised world: the case of the Nordic support to South Africa, | Paper presented at the University of KwaZulu-Natal International Anti-Apartheid Conference 10-13 October 2004 in Durban, | 2004 | http://scnc.ukzn.ac.za/doc/AAmwebsite/Papers.htm | ||
Roger Fieldhouse, | Anti-Apartheid: A History of the Movement in Britain, | London, Merlin Press, | 2005 | 546 | BL | |
Stig Jensen, | Hjælper Danmark Afrikas fattigste - et kritisk perspektiv på Danmarks Afrikapolitik, | DIIS Working Paper, 14, | 2005 | hes t 20, hes SASR, DIIS web fultext: http://www.diis.dk/sw12786.asp | ||
Hans Erik Stolten, (Morgenstierne), | Danish Anti-Apartheid History. Review of Christopher Munthe Morgenstierne. Denmark and National Liberation in Southern Africa. A Flexible Response. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2003, | Reviewed by: Hans Erik Stolten, Centre of Africa Studies, University of Copenhagen, | Published by: H-SAfrica (May, 2005), | 2005 | 8 | Web fulltext http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=283201128698177 |
Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury (eds.), | Handbook of Action Research, Participatory Inquiry and Practice, | Sage Publications, | 2005/2001 | http://books.google.com/ | ||
John S. Saul, | The Next Liberation Struggle: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy in Southern Africa, |
Merlin Press, | 2006 | 363 | ||
Steen Folke and Henrik Nielsen (eds.), | Aid Impact and Poverty Reduction, | DIIS, Palgrave MacMillan, | 2006 | 250 | KB Fiol FNU Aid | |
Thörn, Håkan, | Anti-Apartheid and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society, | Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, | 2006 | 251 | hes t 29; KB online complete pdf | |
Schmitz, Hans Peter, | Transnational mobilization and domestic regime change : Africa in comparative perspective, | International political economy series, | New York : Palgrave Macmillan, | 2006 | KB: Udlånssamling | |
Norén, Karl-Gunnar, | Under ISAKs paraply: Isolera Sydafrikakommittén 1979-1995, | Isolera Sydafrika-kommittén / Afrikagrupperna i Sverige, | Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén förlag, | 2006 | 192 | NAI, http://www.liberationafrica.se/publications/book.xml?id=25234, hes t 22 |
Bill Fletcher, Jr, | Farewell to TransAfrica Forum: Concluding Remarks at TransAfrica Forum Annual Conference, | TransAfrica Forum News, April 1, 2006, | 2006 | www.transafricaforum.org/documents/farewell2TAF4106.pdf | ||
CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society: Volume 1 | CIVICUS, | 2007 | ||||
Anja Björk, | Den stillsamma vreden. Praktisk Solidaritet och södra Afrika 1969-1994, | Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén förlag, | 2007 | 192 | NAI, www.liberationafrica.se/publications/book.xml?id=25234, hes t 22, | |
Birgitta Silén, | Uppdrag Solidaritet. Arbetarrörelsen och södra Afrika 190-1994, | Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén förlag, | 2007 | 192 | NAI, www.liberationafrica.se/publications/book.xml?id=25234, hes t 22, | |
Gorm Gunnarsen, Patrick Mac Manus, Morten Nielsen og Hans Erik Stolten, | For enden af regnbuen? Social identitet og velfærd i det nye Sydafrika, | Sydafrika Kontakt, København, | 2007 | 200 | http://www.sydafrika.dk/lib/getImg.php?c_id=5265 | |
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, | The Study of Africa, Vol. 2, Global and Transnational Engagement, | CODESRIA, | 2007 | 409 | ||
Per Wästbergs, | Vägarna till Afrika, | 2007 | ||||
Rune Forsbeck, | »Gör ni då inte åtskillnad...?« Kyrkorna och södra Afrika 1960-1994, | Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén förlag, | 2007 | Web: www.liberationafrica.se | ||
Mai Palmberg (red), | När södra Afrikas frihet var vår - Afrikagrupperna 1968-1994, | Afrikagrupperna, | Stockholm, Nielsen & Norén förlag, | 2007 | Web: www.liberationafrica.se | |
Premesh Lalu, | The Virtual stampede for Africa: digitisation, postcoloniality and archives of the liberation struggles in Southern Africa, | Innovation, No.34, June 2007, 28-44, | 2007 | |||
Edited by William Minter, Gail Hovey, and Charles Cobb Jr., | No Easy Victories: African Liberation and American Activists over a Half Century, 1950-2000, | With a foreword by Nelson Mandela. Large format. 120 photographs, | Africa World Press, | 2007 | Web: http://www.noeasyvictories.org | |
The Nordic Documentation on the Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa Project. Archive material from www.liberationafrica.se, | NAI, | -2007- | www.liberationafrica.se | |||
Christian Friis Bach et al, | Idealisme eller??? alruisme? | 2008 | ||||
Jan Petersen, m.fl., | Idealer og realiteter - Dansk udviklingspolitiks historie 1945-2005, | Gyldendal, | 2008 | 583 | ||
Bram van Ojik, | The friendly donor, | Africa Today Seminar, ACS, | Leiden, | 2008 | ||
Essop Pahad et al., | The Road to Democracy in South Africa, Volume 3, International Solidarity and Support, Part 1, p. 1- 745, | South African Democracy Education Trust, SADET, | SADET, | 2008 | http://www.sadet.co.za/road_democracy_vol3.html | |
Essop Pahad et al., | The Road to Democracy in South Africa, Volume 3, International Solidarity and Support, Part 2, p. 745 - 1402, | South African Democracy Education Trust, SADET, | SADET, | 2008 | http://www.sadet.co.za/road_democracy_vol3.html | |
Civilsamfundsstrategien / De generelle principper for støtte til danske NGO'ers udviklingsprojekter, | Udenrigsministeriet / Danida, | -2008- | www.um.dk/da/menu/Udviklingspolitik/ | |||
Africa Past & Present. The Podcast about African History, Culture, and Politics, | African Online Library, | The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online and SU Department of History, | 2008- | http://matrix.msu.edu | ||
John S. Saul, | Liberation Support and Anti-Apartheid Work as Seeds of Global Consciousness: The Birth of Solidarity with Southern African Struggles, | in Karen Dubinsky, et. al (eds.), New World Coming: The Sixties and the Shaping of Global Consciousness, | Toronto: Between the Lines, | 2009 | ||
Chris Saunders [red.], | Documenting liberation struggles in Southern Africa, | select papers from the Nordic Africa [Institutet] Documentation project workshop 26-27 November 2009, | Pretoria, South Africa, | 2009 | hes t 22, NAI web | |
Danmark - Sydafrika. Partnerskab for fremtiden, | København, Udenrigsministeriet, | 2010 | UM fulltext http://www.um.dk/ | |||
Karen Steller Bjerregaard | "Et undertrykt folk har altid ret". Solidaritet med den 3. verden i 1960'ernes og 1970'ernes Danmark, | Institut for kultur og identitet, Afdeling for historie, RUC, | 2010 | hes t 3 | ||
John S. Saul, | Editorial / Southern Africa: The Liberation Struggle Continues, Theme: THE LIBERATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, | At Issue Ezine, Vol. 12, No. 1, May, | AfricaFiles, Toronto, | 2010 | http://www.africafiles.org/atissueezine.asp | |
Nils Resare and others, | Documents from the conference Sydafrika, Jas & Mutor / Mutor, makt och bistånd - JAS och Sydafrikaaffären, | Stockholm, 24 november, | 2010 | hes | ||
Brian Esbensen, | The Approach to Development Practice and Advocacy of the Danish NGOs, | 2011 | ||||
Cherry, J. | Umkhonto we Sizwe, | Johannesburg, Jacana, | 2011 | |||
Michael Woolcocka, Simon Szreter, and Vijayendra Raoa, | How and Why Does History Matter for Development Policy? | Journal of Development Studies, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2011, pages 70-96, | 2011 | 25 | hes t 54, http://www.hks.harvard.edu/ | |
William Easterly and Claudia R. Williamson, | Rhetoric versus Reality: The Best and Worst of Aid Agency Practices, | NGOer, dansk udviklingsbistand, organisationer, international solidaritet, u-landshjælp, civilsamfundet, donorer, udviklingsforskning, internationale udviklingsstudier, bistandspolitik, | The Development Research Institute (DRI) at New York University, | 2011 | http://dri.fas.nyu.edu/object/dri.publications.may2011.rhetoricvsreality | |
Hans Erik Stolten, | Global support for South Africa during and after apartheid: how a history of Nordic solidarity was created and used by social movements and governments, |
Paper prepared for the conference, Africa in World Politics, The University of Texas at Austin, March 25-27, 2011, |
2011 | hes | ||
Sten Rylanders, | Nelson Mandela - Om tolerans och ledarskap, | Nordiska Afrikainstitutet? | 2012? | |||
Vladimir Shubin, | The Socialist International and Africa: 21st sentury, | Paper from the ECAS2013 conference, | 2013 | |||
Informationsdienst Südliches Afrika, | Informationsstelle Südliches Afrika, Bonn, | -89- | 35 | NAI | ||
Mozambique file, | AIM, Mozambique News Agency, Maputo, | -89- | 25 | NAI | ||
News Bulletin, Angop, | Agencia Angola Press, Luanda/16, Maddox str. Lond. | -89- | 10 | NAI | ||
Revolution Africaine, Organe Central du FLN, | Alger, | -89- | 70 | NAI | ||
Sahara bulletinen. Nyheter och information om Västsahara, | Föreningen Västsahara, Göteborg, | -89- | 20 | NAI | ||
Södre Afrika Nyheter, | Afrikagrupperna, ISAK, Stockholm, | -89- | 5 | NAI | ||
Bertil Högberg et al.?, | ...først planeret som antologi om svensk AAM historie?, | Serien Folkrörelsernas solidaritetsarbete med södra Afrika, och är producerad med stöd av Sida via Nordiska Afrikainstitutet och i samarbete med Afrikagrupperna. | Stockholm, Afrikagrupperna? | Web fulltext: www.liberationafrica.se | ||
Adam Habib et al.? | Papers from conference: Social movements in Africa: a comparative perspective, | African Dynamics series, | Afrika Studie Centrum, Leiden, | |||
Aasland, | Conference paper | |||||
Reinhart Kössler, | "A Situation Where You Could Show Some Decency": Nordic Relations to Liberation in Southern Africa, | Conference paper | ||||
Gordon, Suzanne (ed.): | A talent of tomorrow. Stories of South African Servants, | u.å. | 300 | hes /54 | ||
Campbell, Horace: | The Nkomati accord: non-agression pact between Mozambique and SA: | Africa Research & Publications Project. an analysis. | u.å. | 6 | NAI |